Sunday, August 07, 2005

Mobile Discovery

Mobile Discovery
Originally uploaded by Thingee.

[As transcribed by Daddy]

I spent a lot of time awake today - at one point, while in my crib, I noticed that there were these really colourful, bright things with black and white spirals rotating above my head. Neat stuff. I think they've been there a while, but I either never noticed, or just couldn't see that far in front of me before.

Anyway, Daddy's friend Nick came over for dinner today, and he brought me a teddy bear, a picture frame on behalf of his parents, and a CD of "Lullabized" Beatles songs.


Blogger Datura said...

Hey Clover!
Its so nice of you (and your Daddy) to set up a blog! Your pictures are so much fun - make sure you tell your Mommy that she looks GREAT!

I can't wait to keep reading about your adventures and shake your little hand in 'real-time'.

live Alexander-Long and prosper,

9:29 AM

Blogger Toaster said...

Oh my god it popped out! Oh my god! Oh my god! Nuttttttty! OH my god! Oh my god!!!

WOAAAAAAAAh it popped out!

6:03 PM

Blogger Toaster said...


By the way, your missus looks great and you look glowing. Good job. Now start teaching it to play video games.

OH MY GOD I can't believe it's been nine months since you said it was your christmas present or something obscene like that ...

babiessssss!! Baby baby baby!

6:07 PM

Blogger Toaster said...

OH and Ben says hello and he says it's amazing that you have progeny and we're all very excited that your baby was born five days after our anniversary not that it's really a coincidence of any sort but it's still very exciting ...


6:08 PM


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I'm a happy kid living with my parents and our dog in Toronto. I'm goofy, sweet, smart, extremely chatty, and pretty much the cutest kid on the face of the Earth!