Sunday, September 18, 2005


[As transcribed by Daddy]

Today I did something new: After a visit to Mommy's chiropractor and a trip to my first bookstore (and sleeping through it), I watched television with Mommy and played a video game with Daddy - I mean, I actually watched the screen. The bright lights and the movement are cool, but Mommy and Daddy are all worried about ideology and hegemony. Gimme a break.

I had a nice chat with Daddy before bed, but he doesn't seem to understand me... all I seem to be able to say (shout) are "ay", "ee", "nnn", "aaa!" and sometimes "laa." I'm working on it though. He makes me laugh.

Tummy time today was dumb. I don't see what the point of me having to lie on my stomach and scream is. It's not as bad as having my nose aspirated, but... it's up there.


Blogger Katrin Faridani said...


I am a Canadian working and living in Bulgaria. After blogging today, I hit the "next blog" button out of curiosity and ended up on yours. I was sitting here laughing out loud! What a great idea. I look forward to more.


12:19 PM


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I'm a happy kid living with my parents and our dog in Toronto. I'm goofy, sweet, smart, extremely chatty, and pretty much the cutest kid on the face of the Earth!