Thursday, January 19, 2006

Six Months Old!

[As transcribed by Daddy]

For my birthday today, I wore a birthday bonnet. Daddy will post pictures tomorrow, probably. Anyway, I woke up in a great mood, but it soon turned sour and stayed that way until Daddy came home from work. I did have a great jumper session and nap to break the tension for Mommy.

Right before my folks' favourite TV show, I managed to actually fall asleep in my crib. I was only asleep for about 40 minutes, but hey - it's something. Daddy walked me around as we watched a pretty good movie together.

I have to say, I've really enjoyed the past six months of life. So far it's been a bit of a blur (literally) and I can't really say I understand much of what's happening, but I'm a generally happy (and goofy) baby with a lot of love from family and friends. Hopefully the next six months are as fun! And hopefully I see less of the nasal aspirator.

*April 19th 2006 Update*

Due to server space limitations, Daddy had to take down the video clip. If you wanna see it, just let me know...


Blogger Sherril said...

Hi. I am sitting here with this huge smile upon my face after watching the video of baby clover and your pit bull (I do hope you washed Clover's face after that encounter). OMG, I could so clearly remember taking actual 8 mm movie film of my first baby (she's now 25) and then video of my second baby (he's now 20) and both machines were huge and a real pain to shlep around. But to now actually be able to blog-hop and "HAPPEN" upon a blog with video footage that I, a complete stranger can watch AND listen to (and thoroughly enjoy) is...well, it's nothing short of modern day magic. Thank you so very much for that. I don't have anything that compares with that on my blog, but I welcome you to visit....

1:23 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, that kid is wicked cute. Seriously.

7:25 PM


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I'm a happy kid living with my parents and our dog in Toronto. I'm goofy, sweet, smart, extremely chatty, and pretty much the cutest kid on the face of the Earth!