Sunday, April 02, 2006
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Today Daddy's lower back was really bothering him as soon as he woke up, so we all went to visit the chiropractor. Turns out Daddy's butt is all broken or something. I had fun, until Babak started fixing Mommy's back, and I was all, like, "Get your hands off of my Mommy!" and stuff.
Went to the bookstore after my (brief) afternoon nap, and we picked up some stuff. During dinner, I actually choked on some food (a hunk of apple) for the first time. My face turned red, my eyes got big, and before I knew it, Daddy was slapping me on the back, and out popped the apple, which I promptly re-ate.
I feel fine now, but since Daddy's "emergency manoeuvers", I've been looking at him with alarm. Just because some Doctor crunched his back, it's no reason for him to repeatedly whack away at mine.
I went to bed in record time.
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