Thursday, April 13, 2006
Swan Lake
[As transcribed by Daddy on April 15th, 2006]
Last night was kinda rough again - more crazed tantrums. This morning, the likely culprit revealed itself (and no, it wasn't the monster-sized mutant swamp tick mysteriously affixed to the back of Daddy's knee)... a tooth has emerged from my lower gums! Let's see if this one actually sticks around.
Mommy and Daddy and Papa drove me to visit my Great Grandmother in the hospital again... we bumped heads. It was fun - all of the old ladies in there seem to love the heck outta me. They all wanted me to stay, but then we had to drive to Sumter and take a lovely stroll in a pretty swamp/garden, where we saw turtles, ducks, geese, and swans. It was a lot of fun - I got to ride on Papa's shoudlers again!
Next, we went to another buffet lunch/dinner - apparently, I am the funniest thing ever when I try to eat and poop at the same time... I had everyone rolling around on the floor, practically. After that, we drove off to an old cemetary, where Mommy and Daddy got to do a lot more genealogical research and looked at the graves of my long-dead ancestors. I wasn't helping much, so I pooped. Daddy is certain that the spirits of my relatives throught that was hilarious.
Next, we visited my Mommy's Aunt Margartet. While I was there, I had another few firsts - I crawled forward on my hands AND knees, and with Papa's help holding me up, I took several actual walking-steps across the room!
Got back to Papa's trailer and promptly had one heck of an intense tantrum. It's okay, though - I was such an angel all week long. Tomorrow we start the two-day journey home. Mommy and Daddy sure do hope I sleep well tonight.
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