Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Ah-hem / Ah-hoo / Ba-hoo
[As transcribed by Daddy]
As usual per Monday mornings, I'm in something of a cranky mood - Mommy thinks it has something to do with Daddy being back at work. You know... we hang out all weekend, and then he has to bail, right when I was getting used to him. Kinda sucks.
Mommy and I had an alternately wonderful and grumpy day. When I was being a little angel, all was right with the world. But when I wouldn't go down for a nap, or when I ate all of my raisins and discovered that I had reached the bottom of the raisin tin... ...well, you didn't want to be around me. I can really transform into a little engine of destruction (when I want to).
I'm slowly getting the hang of the dog's name. Recently, I've stopped calling him "Ah-hem" and have moved over to "Ah-hoo." Today, I called him "Ba-hoo," which is inching closer and closer to "Basil."
Listening to: The Everly Brothers - A Date with the Everly Brothers
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