Saturday, November 25, 2006

Product Placement

[As transcribed by Daddy]

There was an oddly stunning moment today, where I kinda shocked Mommy. This afternoon the two of us took a walk to the local toy store, and while Mommy was looking for Toupie And Binou books, I started yelling about "Nonny". Mommy couldn't figure out what I was on about, until she realized I was asking about a book titled "Noddy."

Can I read?! Well, not quite. Turns out that on a daily basis, there are very brief commercials (promos, really) on the children's network that I watch for a video called "Say It With Noddy," which I recognized in the store. Clearly, I'm retaining and regurgitating info I've gleaned from television advertising. Creepy. I also started asking about another show, 'Franklin.'

I walked most of the way home (I found a pinecomb and delivered it to Grandpa), and asked to watch more television shows - Franklin, Toupie and Binou, and Jane & The Dragon. So uh... looks like I need to be around the television a lot less.

Listening to: The Strokes - You Only Live Once


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I'm a happy kid living with my parents and our dog in Toronto. I'm goofy, sweet, smart, extremely chatty, and pretty much the cutest kid on the face of the Earth!