Saturday, January 20, 2007


[As transcribed by Daddy]

I was up really early this morning, and joined my folks in bed. I alternated between kicking Basil in the face, kicking Daddy in the ribs, and kicking Mommy in the tummy. Eventually, they took the hint and woke up.

Daddy had the day off from work again, so he helped us clean up and play and stuff until it was time to go and visit Gamma and Grandpa, where we were also joined by Naisa. I taught myself how to do somersaults while announcing "tumble!" on Gamma's bed... it was pretty funny. I'm especially good at somersaulting onto Basil.

Once I went down for a nap, Daddy and Naisa drove off so she could be de-briefed about all of her international adventures. They were gone a long time! When they came back we all played and read books, and had dinner. As soon as I had my bath and was ready for bed, Mommy got hit by food poisoning.

...or maybe it was all those kicks to the tummy from this morning.


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I'm a happy kid living with my parents and our dog in Toronto. I'm goofy, sweet, smart, extremely chatty, and pretty much the cutest kid on the face of the Earth!