Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Another Crayon?!
[As transcribed by Daddy]
After one heck of a crazy night, I slept like a rock. I was a bit cranky during the day though - I was still kinda sneezy and a bit snotty. Around noon I had one heck of a monster sneeze, and pop! Out came a second crayon - this one red. Mommy quickly scheduled a doctor's appointment for tomorrow, just to make sure there's nuthin' else up there (they're hiding the cutlery and Wii remotes, just in case I get any ideas.
Right before I went to bed, Cool Uncle Gareth came over to visit from New York City. It was really nice to see him - I made sure to show him my feet. Actually, come to think of it - showing off my feet is something I seem to do to a lot of people (family members, friends, crayon-extracting doctors)...
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