Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Wood Chips in Love
[As transcribed by Daddy]
I had something of a bad day today. None of us are sure what provoked it, but I was definitely cranky and grumpy and argumentative all day long.
Mommy and I were scheduled to start our art classes today, but when we went to the place where they were supposed to happen, there was nobody around (and nobody ever deposited the money we sent, either). Some notification would have been nice. Ah well. We played in the park since we were in the neighbourhood - I found some wood chips to play with, and made them kiss each other. I snuggled them - they were wood chips in love.
Daddy had a rough day at work - after dinner, Mommy humoured our less-than-stellar moods with a trip out for coffee and shopping. I got to stay up an hour late! Yay!
Listening to: Kings of Leon - Because of the Times
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