Thursday, October 18, 2007
Space Clothes!
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Mommy and I went down to our little playschool / creative playgroup-thing this morning - we walked all the way there and back, and while we were there, we played, sang songs, and had lots of fun. I made friends with some little kid named Josh. He was nice. I got a sticker when I left! Woo!
I got a package in the mail from Naisa and Sithembiso today - some cute space-dresses and a birthday card. Thanks, guys!
I hit something of a milestone today, when I told Mommy that I had to pee before actually going to pee. Of course, when she put me on the potty, nuthin' happened... I waited until I was in her bedroom before I actually... you know... ...peed on the floor. Whatever, I get points for trying.
After Daddy came home from work we wanted to do some grocery shopping, but a big car was blocking our driveway! We went for a walk to buy a mini-pumpkin instead, and when we came home the car was gone and we got the grocery shopping taken care of.
Listening to: Various Artists - Radio 1 Established 1967
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