Tuesday, November 20, 2007

A Barf-Bag full of Cookies

[As transrcibed by Daddy]

Mommy and Daddy woke me up ridiculously early (even by MY standards), and together we drove off into the... dark? (I found it confusing).

After a quick stop for bagels and several games of "I Spy" we drove and drove and drove until we crossed the border into the United States. We reached the teeny tiny airport in Buffalo, I got to play in a playroom, and then... Daddy left?! Wha?!

Mommy and I then boarded an airplane. I thought it was pretty neat - especially when the snacks started comin'. I ate non-top all the way from Buffalo to Atlanta. The attendants thought I was so adorable that they gave me a barf-bag full of cookies!

Mommy and I waited around the Atlanta airport for a while (she wheeled me around in my carseat) and then we boarded a second plane. Before we even took off, I was asking about the snacks. Once we DID take off, I was asleep.

Papa picked us up in Charleston... I was happy to see him, but aired my opinion that I wanted to go home. I called Daddy on the way to Papa's house... Mommy relayed him this much, and then the phone cut out. Here's looking forward to more cookies!

Meanwhile, Basil is still staring out the front door, waiting for Mommy & I to come home.


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I'm a happy kid living with my parents and our dog in Toronto. I'm goofy, sweet, smart, extremely chatty, and pretty much the cutest kid on the face of the Earth!