Saturday, January 12, 2008
Tiny Voices of the Mini-Village
[As transcribed by Daddy]
I had a pretty normal sleep last night, and didn't drag Mommy into my bed with me. My folks are pretty happy about that.
Anyway, Mommy and I were gonna go visit Julie & Sarah today, but due to my fever of the past few days, we decided not to risk making them all sick. In the meantime, we did a lot of playing - Mommy tidied my room while I tried to play in the exact places where she was cleaning at any given time. At one point she combined all of my toys (dollhouses, train sets, etc) and made a 'mini-village', which I adored! The sound of me providing squeaky little voices for my little toys is adorable.
Daddy came home from work, played in my 'mini-village' with me, and then took Mommy and I out for Chinese food. I was so tired and prone to crankiness, I'm kinda surprised they thought it would be a good idea.
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