Thursday, February 07, 2008

All Over the Net

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Guess what?! More snow! Mommy and I braved the storm and walked over to playschool this morning, only to discover that there was only one other mother/kid combo as courageous as us. I played fairly well with said kid, and on several occasions announced in a booming voice "Ladies and Gentlemen, Its time for my Puppet Show!"... only there was never any follow-through.

Mommy and I stopped for lunch on the way home, and had a quiet afternoon - at one point I got in my sleigh and went for a pull outside in the snow, but only made it halfway next door before I asked to go home.

I also had several accidents re: potty training today. Hopefully it wasn't too much of a major setback (I mean, I DID manage to use the potty at playschool)... but it really looks like we need to buy more panties.

In the meantime, Daddy set up Flickr Stats reporting on our account - apparently more than 70% of people who view those images haven't even been to this blog. Crazy! Especially funny were the weird, surprising, and unexpected referrals. Apparently, I'm all over the net.


Blogger Unknown said...

What's unexpected? The daddy's hot and the baby's cute! Sorry - usually we give you a heads up (specially on Hot Daddy Friday cause the dads get such a huge kick out of it) or ask for permission. Hope you found it unexpected in a good way!

T&K @

9:47 PM

Blogger Clover said...

Both Clover and Daddy found it unexpected in a good way :)

12:54 AM


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I'm a happy kid living with my parents and our dog in Toronto. I'm goofy, sweet, smart, extremely chatty, and pretty much the cutest kid on the face of the Earth!