Monday, March 10, 2008
Fish Chalet
[As transcribed by Daddy]
I was pretty happy to discover that Leslie was still over when I woke up, and stuck to her like glue - we read together, played in my room, had breakfast - you know, fun girly stuff. Right before lunch it was time to take Leslie home - we loaded into the car, got some coffee, and navigated the snow-ravaged streets to Leslie's place. I fell asleep on the journey, and was sad to discover she was gone when we got home.
Mommy's headache erupted quite violently as soon as we got back to the apartment. She was pretty much totally incapacitated for the rest of the entire day - so it was another 'Clover & Daddy Sunday'. Daddy and I did a lot of playing in my room, we went to Best Buy & Future Shop, sang and counted in the car, we went for a nice walk around the block to see all the melting snow and icicles ("Icebergs") and we even went out to 'Fish Chalet' pick up dinner together and bring it home.
Mommy mustered enough ability to eat dinner with us and put me to bed - but still, I made sure to thank Daddy for a nice day together. Now he can get back to working on Mommy's birthday present!
Listening to: The Charlatans - You Cross My Path
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