Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Sandbox Season

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Wow - another lovely day outside! After waking Daddy up by stepping on his crotch as he slept and sending him to work in pain, Mommy and I went outside to do some more yardwork. I have to admit, I got kinda bored and went looking for my grandparents to bother.

At lunch, Mommy and I actually sat down and watched a movie together. I was totally into it for the first half, but midway through I gave up and decided to play video games and stuff. We retreated to the back yard once again for more work - I asked to play in my sandbox, so Mommy cleaned it up and honest to goodness, I sat there and played for close to 90 minutes! Sandbox Season is officially on!

Daddy came home from work to find Mommy passed out on the couch, so... he had to quickly clean the kitchen and make dinner for all of us (and I was quite demanding). His Gordon Ramsay eggs are pretty good.


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I'm a happy kid living with my parents and our dog in Toronto. I'm goofy, sweet, smart, extremely chatty, and pretty much the cutest kid on the face of the Earth!