Thursday, June 19, 2008

Yep Yep

[As transcribed by Mommy]

After my late night partying last night, I slept in a bit today, and was a little bit late for my playground play date with Julie, Sara, James, Patti, Anna, Holly, and Jasmine. We all had a lot of fun. I also met some new friends: Emma, Fiona, their Mom and little brother. Emma and I played together a lot. We looked at mushrooms in the grass, and then played on the playground.

I was a little sad to leave, but then Mommy said we could stop by Marvellous Edibles for my weekly grilled cheese. Yay! We also stopped at the corner store for a few more flowers to put in our garden. After lunch I helped Mommy plant them and water them. We got a new rain barrel installed yesterday, and I can get the water out of it all by myself. I watered all of the neighbor's flowers, too.

We made it inside just before it started raining. Even though it stopped again a little while later, we had a rainy afternoon inside playing with playdough. And then Leslie came over. I showed her our new tent, and taught her how to play tennis, and told her all about TVO kids, and drew a picture for her. We all went to Jawny Baker's for dinner. Leslie caught the bus, and we came home. Mommy asked me once again if I wanted to sleep the tent, and do you know what? I said, "Yep, I do." So... goodnight!

Mommy and I really really really really miss you Daddy! We love you!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Today Daddy and Paul slept in, then went to the train station and hopped a ride to Monaco! It was very very small, but extremely beautiful and opulent. Daddy took in one of the best aquariums in the world, took some photos of weird fish, went to the royal castle, bought some souveneirs, watched Paul win some money at the Monte Carlo casino, ate at a fancy restaurant, and had to deal with a train delay on the way home.

At night he went to the Getty Images Massive Music Party, which was good until it got WAY too crowded.

He misses his family so much, and really wishes they could have joined him today.

9:02 PM


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I'm a happy kid living with my parents and our dog in Toronto. I'm goofy, sweet, smart, extremely chatty, and pretty much the cutest kid on the face of the Earth!