Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Without Daddy
[As transcribed by Mommy]
I thought we were gonna go to the zoo today, but something about possible thunderstorms in the afternoon made Mommy postpone our trip. Instead, we headed out this morning for my new favourite playground down by the lake. As I told anyone and everyone who would listen, we took two buses to get there. We had a nice walk along Queen Street, with a detour through an awesome toy store, a tea shop, and another store that I thought was boring, but Mommy seemed to like it.
At the playground, I played in the sandbox (see photo), on the swings, and on the trapeze, but I didn't go down the slide. It was too squiggley for me. I told Mommy that going to the playground without Daddy is fun, but really I wished he had been there. We walked back along the boardwalk and got some ice cream before catching the bus home.
Once we were home again, that promised storm arrived (with hail!) for all of five minutes. Later, I helped Gammy make her dinner then returned downstairs just in time to eat my own. I was pretty tired out from all the fun today, so I was really ready for a nice bath and bed.
I love you, Daddy, and I still miss you.
After arriving in Cannes yesterday, Paul and Daddy settled into their apartment, went to the Palais to register for the Cannes Lions, bought some groceries, went to the first Awards Ceremony and met many nice New Zealanders, then went to dinner in a nice Italian Cafe. The Euro 2008 Soccer match was on, so the place got loud anytime Austria got possession of the ball. We made friends with some Brazilians, and then dropped our cameras off at the apt.
We walked for 45 mins (shoulda taken a cab) to a party way at the Northern, mountainy tip of Cannes... Daddy saw some friends and then hightailed it back to the apartment. It only took 15 mins to walk back down. He crashed, after close to 48 hours with no sleep! Paul went to two more parties before getting home in the morning.
Daddy feels well-rested now, although his mosquito bites from Saturday are starting to emerge big time! He misses Clover and Mommy enormously, and is curious as to why he's writing in the third person.
5:06 AM
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