Saturday, July 12, 2008

Feeding the Pigeons

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Isn't baby Owen cute?

This morning Mommy and I took the bus to the chiropractor's office for Mommy's usual appointment. After that was over, we walked over to the big chain toy store to honour Daddy's promise that if I ever pooped in the potty, I could get any toy I wanted. Although I did enjoy riding a tricycle across the store, I didn't really find anything I wanted. Mommy and I then took a long series of busses and subways down to the beaches, where we found a much better toy store. I settled on some glittery paints!

Mommy and I also grabbed a bite to eat, fed the pigeons (and seagulls) did some walking, and went to a playground. When it was time to leave I threw something of a public fit, which embarrassed Mommy slightly. We took another series of busses home, where Mommy and I both tried out my new paints. I also took a quick dip in my pool.

After Daddy joined us for dinner, he took Mommy and I out for a drive for dessert... but I fell asleep in the car, and was pretty upset to have missed the jaunt. Ah well, at least they saved me some food.


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I'm a happy kid living with my parents and our dog in Toronto. I'm goofy, sweet, smart, extremely chatty, and pretty much the cutest kid on the face of the Earth!