Sunday, July 27, 2008

Toothpaste Song

[As transcribed by Daddy]

I slept in my bed last night - all night - which is a big deal, seeing as how I've been wandering into my parents' bed every night for past few weeks. They enjoyed the extra rest.

The prospect of another rainy weekend caused us all to improvise a quick car ride out to Milton in order to scope out the berry patch we're gonna invade tomorrow. We drove through a torrential downpour, got to the berry patch, and did a 'test pick' of some Blueberries, treated ourselves to some ice cream and a wagon ride, and hightailed it home again. On the way home, I composed a song, which Daddy helped me record once we got home. Check it out - it's pretty good, even if the bass line I selected doesn't really fit.

Mommy had a date with Leslie and some friends to see a movie, so it was just Daddy & I tonight. We had some wings for dinner (which I seem to have forgotten how to eat) and rented one of my favourite movies. We got home and tried to watch it, only to discover that it was damaged beyond playability. So... we headed out AGAIN, and just bought the thing (and it's sequel) at Zellers.

Daddy and I had a nice movie night, and he managed to put me to bed all by himself for the first time since I was a baby!

Listening to: Tommy - Original Soundtrack Recording


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I'm a happy kid living with my parents and our dog in Toronto. I'm goofy, sweet, smart, extremely chatty, and pretty much the cutest kid on the face of the Earth!