Sunday, October 26, 2008

Chicken Sacrifice

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Busy day today - Grandpa and Uncle Ed were off to Guelph to visit GG today, meanwhile Daddy and Aunt Diane did a little grocery shopping. Aunt Diane, Gammy, and I made a bunch of sandwiches, and Mommy made soup and cookies for the guests coming over at lunch. Once they arrived, though, I got pretty shy and nervous and hid downstairs.

Mommy comforted me, and after a while coaxed me into having some lunch in the stairwell, where I was joined by our guests' kids, Omar and Lena (not sure on the spelling there), who I really hit it off with! We played together a lot - I wanted to play Dinosaurs, but Omar wanted to have a tea party. We compromised and played with my doll house... I tried to teach Lena to share, but she only speaks Arabic (and I don't speak Arabic).

I was sad to see them leave - I hung out with Mommy and Daddy, and we took Basil for a nice walk around the block. Daddy dug into his Gordon Ramsay cookbook and completely ruined a perfectly good chicken, who tragically died so that Daddy could just end up blackening it beyond recognition. Thank goodness Mommy made potatoes.


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I'm a happy kid living with my parents and our dog in Toronto. I'm goofy, sweet, smart, extremely chatty, and pretty much the cutest kid on the face of the Earth!