Saturday, November 01, 2008

Happy Medusa

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Today was the big day - the one I'd been looking forward to since November 1st, 2007. I spent the better part of the day being really jazzed about Hallowe'en! Awesome!

After helping Gammy with her witch costume this morning, Mommy made me some Hallowe'en-themed pancakes, and then we headed downtown to visit Daddy at work (so that Mommy could use his fax machine to clear up some administrative issues concerning the upcoming American election). I had a good time visiting with his friends, eating pizza, and talking about Hallowe'en.

Once we got home, I watched my Jack Skeleton movie one last time and tried out my costume (see photo). While we were doing that, I made friends with some local kid and invited him to go trick-or-treating with us.

After dinner, Mommy and Daddy took me trick-or-treating... the culmination of a year's worth of anticipation. I had a lot of fun - sure, I lost a few snakes from my 'Happy Medusa' costume along the way, fumbled with my goodie bag, and tripped over my robe... but I had an absolutely fantastic time. I kept spontaneously exclaiming "My costume is awesome!" Once we got home, I ate some candy, helped Gammy and Grandpa hand out some to other kids, and crashed pretty hard when it was time for bed.

365 days and counting until Hallowe'en 2009...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

AHHHHHH! I just turned to stone after looking at your pic!

Too bad I don't work at your dad's place anymore... I could've taken you on another airplane ride!

Well, you'll have to tell your folks to arrange a bubble tea saturday so you can show me all the candy you got!

3:42 AM


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I'm a happy kid living with my parents and our dog in Toronto. I'm goofy, sweet, smart, extremely chatty, and pretty much the cutest kid on the face of the Earth!