Monday, January 26, 2009

Waffles & Pancakes

[As transcribed by Daddy]

I was up before everyone else this morning, and harassed anyone I could find until they got up and made me my breakfast. Daddy didn't sleep well last night due to his cold, so it took him a little longer than everyone else to wake up.

Mommy and Daddy made a long list of stuff we could do in order to get us out of the house - first we went out to a restaurant where I had a blueberry waffle and did some colouring. Next, we went to Future Shop and bought a new DVD player (ours died back when the Bujolds were visiting, and we've been borrowing from Gammy and Grandpa since then. Rather than buy our own new one, we bought Gammy and Grandpa a new one so that we don't have to take the TV off the wall to disconnect theirs).

After we got to the bookstore, Mommy's intestines started turning sommesaults. Daddy read to me as we sat on the floor in the kid's section... Mommy never really got back to 100%, so we hurried home, where Daddy had a fairly lengthy afternoon nap. So much for everyone's afternoon plans and all the things we were gonna do!

Once Mommy woke him up, we did the weekly grocery shopping, came home again, and had blueberry pancakes for dinner. Not too shabby! Oh, and I didn't ever complain about not getting to watch TV today, either.

Listening to: The Pursuit of Happiness - The Downward Road


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I'm a happy kid living with my parents and our dog in Toronto. I'm goofy, sweet, smart, extremely chatty, and pretty much the cutest kid on the face of the Earth!