Sunday, March 15, 2009

Collecting Gumballs

[As transcribed by Daddy on March 20th]

No quail-killing today, unfortunately (fortunately?)... I seem to have forgotten all about that. In the meantime, Papa and I did some more bonding today - we drove around and around in the four-wheeler, had some nice walks together, and collected acorns, pine cones, and gumballs from the gum trees.

The weather was unfortunately kinda rainy, drizzly, and terrible, but I honestly didn't seem to mind! Papa and I had ourselves a great day in any case, and I managed to even sneak in some television watching. At one point I found a bunch of loose straw outside, and made a little broom out of it and tried to clean Papa's trailer with it. There's straw everywhere.

Meanwhile, Daddy's been busy at work back home (hence the tardy blogging...) - when making notes for today's blog entry, he wrote "No cats in suitcases... Papa's cats" and has no idea what it was in reference to.


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I'm a happy kid living with my parents and our dog in Toronto. I'm goofy, sweet, smart, extremely chatty, and pretty much the cutest kid on the face of the Earth!