Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Portrait of the Artist as a Young Lady

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Mommy and I only did a little bit of the usual humdrum today - there was the usual watching television, playing, and game-playing... but for some reason I woke up today just wanting to learn how to write. Mommy obliged, and we spent a really good chunk of time learning letters and printing and stuff. Later on, I went to my art class, which was fun - Madeline and I were inseparable. Mommy really realized just how tall and strong I am for a kid my age when comparing me to the other kids. At the end of the day, while Mommy and Daddy ran some errands, I made dinner with Gammy and Nee-Nee.

The biggest event of the day, though, had to be the amazing artwork that just poured out of me. Not only did I draw an astounding portrait of Gammy that looks absolutely fantastic - it really looks like her - but I also made some fantastic drawings and pictures to give to my playschool instructors tomorrow.

My family is both astounded and delighted at my quickly-developing artistic ability. Oh - and my handwriting, too!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clover, your great-aunt and great grandpa Long would both be so proud of your artwork.


8:39 AM


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I'm a happy kid living with my parents and our dog in Toronto. I'm goofy, sweet, smart, extremely chatty, and pretty much the cutest kid on the face of the Earth!