Monday, June 15, 2009

The Tick II: Return of The Tick

[As transcribed by Daddy]

After breakfast, a quick visit with Branda and the loss of my television-watching privileges due to a TV-related freakout, Mommy and Papa and I drove off to Virginia.

The drive was okay - I drew pictures and had a few pitstops, but other than that, the drive was pretty darn long and boring. Once we finally arrived at Nana's house, I was happy to be out of the car! I was very happy to see everyone - Zoe and Trina and Nana and Jim and stuff, not to mention all of the little pet kittens everyone has! I devoured the three planet-sized peaches we picked up on the way. Meanwhile, a second tick (on my tummy - the same place I got once before) tried to devour me. Trauma!

We brought Zoe back to Aunt Trina's house, where we all had another fantastic visit. For dinner we had BBQ chicken, ribs, and butterbeans - and Mommy would like to mention that those baby kittens are the best babysitters, because I spent something like two hours just playing with those things, and never once called for my Mom or asked for food or complained or anything!


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I'm a happy kid living with my parents and our dog in Toronto. I'm goofy, sweet, smart, extremely chatty, and pretty much the cutest kid on the face of the Earth!