Saturday, July 18, 2009


[As transcribed by Daddy]

I was pretty good today - I helped Mommy cook loads and loads of food (you'd think we're having, like, fifty people over tomorrow and not, like, fifteen) and played quietly by myself. I was extra careful not to demolish my room and undo all of the cleaning and tidying Mommy and I have done over the past few days. Vanilla ice cream, blueberry ice cream, peanut butter and jelly ice cream, mac and cheese, six pounds of chicken wings, lemonade, cake, cookies... can't wait!

Mommy and I walked up to the drug store in the afternoon and bought a bunch of balloons - I played in a indoor playground on the way home. When we got home, one of the balloons popped. It was sad. Mommy and I played video games, and then Mommy made the annual Pot Roast, commemorating the time she cooked a pot roast while in labour.

I got several pairs of panties in the mail from Nana today! At first I was mad because they didn't have dinosaurs on them, but I got over it.

I'm nervous about being four years old, or so I confided to Daddy. He assured me it was a lot like being three, only there's kindergarten.


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I'm a happy kid living with my parents and our dog in Toronto. I'm goofy, sweet, smart, extremely chatty, and pretty much the cutest kid on the face of the Earth!