Friday, August 21, 2009

Day Camp 2009: Day Four

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Once again, it was off to Day Camp for the morning, and once again I had a great time playing and singing and making crafts (a bumblebee puppet I named "Barthall-ma-yoo the Bee") and going swimming and stuff. When I came home, I had an afternoon of pretending with my toys! While Mommy worked on her sewing, I put together a little 'secret club' for my toys. We all read books, got matching tattoos, played games, bounced on the bed, and had soup. Annabell wanted to eat candy corn, but I told her it wasn't healthy and that she had to have broccoli soup. Nandy Panda just wanted to sit around all day and eat bamboo.

Mommy and I made cupcakes in the afternoon, which were a nice surprise for Daddy. As soon as we were finished eating dinner, a monstrous lightning storm (my first real life Toronto warning!) descended upon us. We all watched the storm at Gammy and Grandpa's from the safety of the front window. Once the storm was over (and it was time for bed), the sky changed to a calm, yet alien-looking pinky-yellow colour.


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I'm a happy kid living with my parents and our dog in Toronto. I'm goofy, sweet, smart, extremely chatty, and pretty much the cutest kid on the face of the Earth!