Thursday, August 27, 2009
Employee of H.E.M.
[As transcribed by Daddy]
It was kinda cold in the apartment, so I wore my coat indoors for most of the day (over my jammies, even). Mommy wouldn't let me watch much TV or play on the computer, so I was kinda bored... I fell into this habit where I'd ask Mommy "Can I Watch TV?" and then "Can I Play on the Computer"? and then "Can I go outside and swing on my swing?" So I'd swing on my swing, come back in, play in my room, and then ask "Can I watch TV?" and start the whole cycle over and over again.
After lunch, Mommy and Annabell and I went to the toy store to buy some educational workbooks (I pushed Annabell in her stroller the whole way!). I bought Annabell her own dinosaur toy, since she doesn't have any of her own.
After we did some work in the workbooks (phonics and math, which I'm surprisingly good at - clearly it must've skipped a generation), Daddy came home from work, and I pretended to go to mine... a place called "H.E.M." where I reportedly put together the artwork for big craft shows. H.E.M. pays me fifteen dollars a day - seventeen if I do exceptional work, and one dollar if I do a poor job.
While we all did the grocery shopping, it came to light that I'm actually more excited to be having grits for breakfast tomorrow than I am about going to the fair.
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