Saturday, August 15, 2009

Rock Painter

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Something pretty unusual happened this morning... I slept in. Normally I wake up before anyone else in the house and either a) climb into bed with my folks, b) play in my room or on the computer, c) go over to Grandma's house, d) raise hell or e) all of the above. Today, NONE of those happened... I slept in! Mommy had to come and wake ME up!

It was a bit humid outside today - luckily, the garbageman finally came and took away the trash that had scattered all over the street by raccoons over the past 24 hours. I did a lot of drawing, playing outside, and today Mommy and I dug out the rock-painting kit that Nana got for me and made some really awesome crafts - I made a bat out of a rock (I painted the cutest face on it) that you've just GOTTA see. We broke out the pipe cleaners and made some cool spiders and things, too.

Yup... looks like I'm back in full Hallowe'en mode. It's that time of year again! After dinner, it was a game of bad mitten and a bath before bedtime stories of ghosts and trick-or-treating.


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I'm a happy kid living with my parents and our dog in Toronto. I'm goofy, sweet, smart, extremely chatty, and pretty much the cutest kid on the face of the Earth!