Monday, September 14, 2009

Seaton Trail XI

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Daddy was pretty fed up with being sick - despite not being better (not by a long shot), he resolved to get us all out of the house for a good chunk of the day, and he delivered on his intention. After a nice lunch of leftovers, we ran a few errands - Mommy replaced part of her broken sewing machine, we stopped by the bookstore (where we all got something to read), and then we drove over to our old hiking standby, the Seaton Trail.

Like I said, Daddy was still pretty sick, so we didn't push it too hard - but man oh man, there can't have been many more beautiful days than the one we had today. The temperature, light, scenery, and weather was perfect! The trail was pretty busy... seems like we weren't the only ones who found it really awesome. For some reason, we passed what appeared to be three unrelated poodles along the trail. I sang to them.

We had a really nice drive home, and then Mommy made some tempura for dinner. I watched some cartoons, swang on my swing, and went to bed a pretty happy kid (especially after Mommy repaired Cinnamon Bunny's leg).

Listening to: The Beatles - Past Masters


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I'm a happy kid living with my parents and our dog in Toronto. I'm goofy, sweet, smart, extremely chatty, and pretty much the cutest kid on the face of the Earth!