Monday, November 09, 2009
15º C in November!

[As transcribed by Daddy]
Daddy and I were gonna go to the zoo with Lisa and Leo this morning, but since Mommy was feeling off yesterday (scuppering our hiking plans), we decided to stay with her today and do whatever she wanted to. So, after lunch, as soon as we were sure everyone was feeling well, we drove out to Milton for a nice hike along the Bruce.
The weather was pretty shocking - it was, like, fifteen degrees - in November! We didn't even need to wear coats! The trail we found was kinda mucky and stinky, but it was nice and rocky with lots of cool moss and stuff. I only had so much energy in me, though (thank goodness we didn't go to the zoo) and I started getting whiny and cranky after about only 30 minutes - making the remaining 60 kinda hard on my folks.
Once we got home, I watched some TV, played some video games, and then Cool Uncle Gareth joined us for a massive and delicious roast beef dinner! I'll miss him after he goes back to New York tomorrow.
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