Sunday, November 01, 2009

Pink Batman!

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Today was the big day! As soon as Daddy was up, Mommy got in her 'Dorothy' costume, Annabell wore her pumpkin costume, and Cinnamon Bunny wore his ghost costume, and we drove down to Ray's apartment. I changed in his "dressing room" into my amazing Pink Batman costume (sans Batarangs) and we walked over to the nearby alleyway and has one heck of an awesome photo shoot. Ray filmed me running back-and-forth at his camera - can't wait to see the footage!

We all went for a delicious lunch (I had pancakes and edamame) and then we bid Ray adieu and ran several errands. Daddy officially became a creative director when he bought his first sports blazer, and then we bought some arts and crafts stuff up in Markham.

We had a quick dinner, finished off some jack o' lanterns, and then went out trick-or-treating! We ran into Cheyenne and her Daddy, and the bunch of us braved a very very cold and windy night (except Basil in his old 'Electro-Dog' costume) and hauled in lots of candy (about half of which I can have).

Man, was I ever exhausted when we got home. Everyone sure did seem to love my Pink Batman costume, though. Pretty awesome! Another great Halloween down - can't wait for the next one!

Listening to: Flight of the Conchords - I Told You I Was Freaky


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I'm a happy kid living with my parents and our dog in Toronto. I'm goofy, sweet, smart, extremely chatty, and pretty much the cutest kid on the face of the Earth!