Tuesday, February 23, 2010
The Worst Spaghetti in Recorded History

[As transcribed by Daddy]
Not much to report about today - I didn't end up going to school today, party due to whatever illness I seem to have (and that brutal ear infection and sinus headache from yesterday) and partly because Mommy is also sick and wasn't up for walking me to school.
Having said all of that, I was feeling pretty good today. Well, pretty good until right before Daddy got home from work, that is. In the middle of a massive snowstorm, the earache returned - only this time in my other ear and I was an out-and-out basket case. I couldn't stop crying and wouldn't let Mommy leave my side for so much as a second... before long the headache was gone, but I had worked myself up into such a frantic state that everyone was worried I was gonna hyperventilate.
But Daddy made me laugh and drew me a bath, and it really seemed to calm me down. It almost made up for what he made for dinner - the world's worst spaghetti in recorded history.
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