Monday, March 08, 2010

Ray, Kristin, Jim, Lisa, Nick

Drawing and Dancing
Originally uploaded by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy]

Today was Oscar day, so Mommy spent the better part of the day cleaning, tidying, making food, getting snacks ready, and just generally being productive, and Daddy spent a good chunk of the day working. I laye din my room, watched some TV, had some snacks, and managed to use the computer when Daddy wasn't looking.

In the afternoon I roe my bike around the 'hood a bit (the weather was awesome) and went grocery shopping with my parents - using the shopping list that *I* wrote myself! A huge crowd of strangers at Starbucks loved my shopping list ('Meat', 'Pork', 'Ham', 'Bacon', 'Grape Juice') and I got a lot of high-fives for it.

Once we got home, Ray came over (he brought me new toys!), Kristin and Jim came over, Lisa came over, and Nick came over - we all had a big dinner and had a grand old time. Kristin interviewed me for her class and we played in my room, which was great. Coincidentally, while we were hanging out, Daddy's episode of Cash Cab FINALLY happened to air. I was more concerned with playing with Kristin.

Right before bed, my intestines decided they didn't want to play nice... which made the first few minutes of the annual Oscar party pretty eventful.


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I'm a happy kid living with my parents and our dog in Toronto. I'm goofy, sweet, smart, extremely chatty, and pretty much the cutest kid on the face of the Earth!