Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Back to Camp

Originally uploaded by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy]

Mommy and I were up and ready to go pretty early today, because it was time to go back to summer camp! Pretty exciting! A lot of the same people were there from last years, including some of my favourite grown-ups and other kids. My friend Claire from kindergarten was there, which was awesome. At one point, they had us run through a sprinkler. How cool is that?!

After I got home, Mommy and I took the bus down to the Big Carrot (the 'local' organic food store). I expressed to Mommy my continual and regular disappointment that the store is not actually a literal big carrot. One day, the disillusionment will wear off. I got some gluten-free cookies, so I didn't mind TOO much.

I had a bath before bed tonight, during which I wrote and performed this really awesome song about having bubbles in my hair. I wish someone had been there to record it, because I have a feeling I'll have forgotten it by tomorrow morning.


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I'm a happy kid living with my parents and our dog in Toronto. I'm goofy, sweet, smart, extremely chatty, and pretty much the cutest kid on the face of the Earth!