Thursday, July 22, 2010
Living with a Skinned Knee
[As transcribed by Daddy]
I woke up feeling somewhat alarmed about my scraped knee - it was something of an ordeal to take the band-aids off and replace them with the only thing that seemed to satisfy me - a full-on gauze bandage. The plan was to go to the splash pad today, but I was terrified of getting my bandage wet.
Daddy worked from home today, so Mommy and I helped him get some work done / photographs taken. We drove down to the beach and took some pictures (for something he's working on for a client) and got some ice cream - then we drove over to his office to drop off the photos and stuff. I got to see Hubert again and Daddy's friend Samina, who I really liked.
After dinner, I rode my bike all the way to the vegetable garden... and then I rode it all the way back! Just when everyone thought I was learning to live with a skinned knee, all HELL broke loose when Mommy decided to give me a bath and try to clean my knee and remove the bandage.
You'd think she was unscrewing my head from my neck with all the yelling and screaming and carrying on I did. It's honestly such an average skinned knee, but I made such a big deal out of it. My coping skills need some work.
Listening to: Frank Zappa - Strictly Genteel
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