Thursday, July 15, 2010
One-Footed Batman saves The Ponies
[As transcribed by Daddy]
I had a nice time at camp this morning - I played with Clare and her friend Elena, and my Mom hung out with Clare and Elena's Mom. We all played 'Star Wars' together, which is cool. I'm somewhat familiar with Star Wars... I know about the Stormtroopers and the robot that beeps.
In the afternoon Mommy and I played My Little Pony / Playmobil / Batman. The best part was at the end, when Batman sacrificed his life to save all of the My Little Ponies from the sun as it crashed into the Earth (even though he only had one foot).
Daddy was late coming home from work, so Grandpa had to drive Mommy and I to the sewing machine store to pick up Mommy's repaired sewing machine (I did NOT approve of the route he took to get there). He was impressed when, upon seeing a Serger machine, I quickly asked if it was for 'doing surgery and fixing people.'
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