Monday, August 16, 2010

Back to Normal

[As transcribed by Daddy]

So, things are pretty much back to normal today. Mommy was off to her garden this morning, and Daddy drove downtown to return the rental car... so Grandpa and I drove after him to pick him up and take him back home.

Daddy made me a quick lunch - he and Mommy are on a strict dietary regimen after our food-filled vacation, so snacking was quite limited today. We all went grocery shopping and made a quick run to the butcher, but other than that, Daddy spent a good chunk of the day sorting through vacation photographs and updating the blog for the past week. He did give me a new Doctor Who toy, so that kept me busy.

Dinner was lovely this evening - once it was over, I was full of pent-up kinetic energy. It might have something to do with the ridiculous thunderstorm we suddenly had thrust on us in the late afternoon... a thunderstorm that caused flooding in our kitchen and bathroom.

Listening to: Best Coast - Crazy For You


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I'm a happy kid living with my parents and our dog in Toronto. I'm goofy, sweet, smart, extremely chatty, and pretty much the cutest kid on the face of the Earth!