Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Fluttering About

[As transcribed by Daddy on Sept 22nd]

Daddy was home sick today! Yay! It didn't stop him from working, unfortunately, which meant that he kept hogging the computer while I was busy trying to play video games and stuff. Oh well... I watched more than my usual fair share of television, instead.

I wore my rainbow patchwork tights, one of many colourful and bright green shirts my Mommy made for me, my pink sneakers, and my homemade rainbow wings to school today. Everybody commented on how colourful and happy I looked (especially with my pink backpack) as I fluttered about the schoolyard. Speaking of school, today we got to meet Amber, our new class helper, and we got to see some snails.

After school I watched some more television, did a lot of playing in my room and outside (it was a lovely day) and kinda went to bed a little early due to my being insanely wound-up.


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I'm a happy kid living with my parents and our dog in Toronto. I'm goofy, sweet, smart, extremely chatty, and pretty much the cutest kid on the face of the Earth!