Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Craziness

[As transcribed by Daddy on December 27th]

Today was the big day... Christmas! I woke up pretty early and joined cousins Lola and Olivia and Ella and Matilda and our respective parents and grandparents (and Gareth) for a batch of opening presents. I got lots of awesome loot - a Barbie, a marble game, some cupcake toys, several books, toys, a scarf, a hat, a soap-making kit, and games!

After lunch and some holiday face-painting with Cousin Robin (see photo above - I got 'Snuggle Zombie' makeup), she joined Mommy and Daddy and Nevi and Dennis and Skye and Lola and Eric and I for a blast on the toboggan hill! We got cold, but I must've gone down that hill 50 times.

Once we got back, we opened more presents, and I called Nana and Zoe on the phone. I played with my cousins, and the later it got, the crazier we all got.

Dinner was great - I especially loved the gluten-free lemon merengue pie Aunt Diane made. By the time it came time for our parents to open presents, though... things were pretty nuts. I got tired and went to bed, where I was joined by Dennis, who I should mention was an exceptionally well-behaved boy.


Blogger MarissaDW said...

Hope you had a Merry Christmas and Santa came to your house with lots of presents. You're all grown up....almost didn't recognize you. Aidan says Happy Holidays!

10:07 AM


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I'm a happy kid living with my parents and our dog in Toronto. I'm goofy, sweet, smart, extremely chatty, and pretty much the cutest kid on the face of the Earth!