Sunday, January 23, 2011

Trading Compliments

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Things were a little rushed this morning - we all had to hustle in order to get to Julie's before lunch. I drew Sara a picture for her birthday, we got Daddy out of bed, we stopped by the toy store for birthday presents, and then rushed over to Julie and Sara's house.

Sara's birthday party was fun - we played together really well, and Sara told me that I was really beautiful (I returned the favour by telling her that she was 'more talkative than I recalled'). They have a bouncy castle there - I loved the heck out of that thing. We also played dressup a bit and wore tutus.

After lunch and birthday cake, it was time to go home... where Mommy and Daddy and Gammy played an epic game of Carcasonne. I didn't mind - I played in my room. It was too cold outside to do much else.


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I'm a happy kid living with my parents and our dog in Toronto. I'm goofy, sweet, smart, extremely chatty, and pretty much the cutest kid on the face of the Earth!