Thursday, June 02, 2011

Two Smoothies

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Sorry about the late blog... Flickr is having some problems.

Anyway! This morning Mommy and I did a lot of gardening work outside. Dennis joined us, whilst tied to a tree... his leash got all tangled up, and as soon as we untied him, he took off! He eventually returned after a jaunt down the ravine - once again, he was covered in dirt and muck.

School was fairly uneventful today. As soon as it was done, Mommy picked me up and the two of us took the bus out to Scarborough to do some shopping. I got some new shorts, new shirts, and two smoothies - one at Starbucks (which was great) and one at Tim Horton's (which was just pretty good). It was pretty hot outside and we were pretty wiped out - thank goodness Mommy and I bought new sunglasses! Daddy came and picked us up, and then we drove three feet to the local Subway, where we bought subs for dinner. Of everything that happened today, THAT was my favourite part.

Before bed, I showed Daddy my gratitude for the pickup and the subs by giving him a spontaneous and voluntary back and foot massage. He really did luck into having the best kid ever.

Listening to: Death Dab for Cutie - Codes and Keys


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I'm a happy kid living with my parents and our dog in Toronto. I'm goofy, sweet, smart, extremely chatty, and pretty much the cutest kid on the face of the Earth!