Friday, July 29, 2011

Loose Tooth?

Loose Tooth? by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy]

This morning Mommy and I did some tidying, some Googling of stuff on the internet, and we put together some of the various crafts and toys and presents I got at my birthday party. Anyway, at lunch I dug into a big ear of corn, when suddenly I noticed a pain in my tooth.

Mommy examined the tooth and thought it might possibly be a little bit loose. Well - that sure sent me into a tizzy of excitement and glee! I went over to Gammy and Grandpa's place, and spent hours there... and ran back home to Mommy any time there was 'wobbly tooth' related news.

After Daddy got home from work, I got him to examine my wobbly tooth a little bit, and then the two of us watched some television together.


Blogger MarissaDW said...

Clover...Happy belated Birthday! You're all growing up too fast. It's funny you should post something about loose tooth. Aidan just had is regular dental checkup and the dentist said, one of his tooth is loose. He'll probably lose it in a couple of weeks. It looks like, it's the same one. He's ecstatic too.

1:21 PM

Blogger Mikke said...

I love this entry about loosing tooth! Clover is so beautiful in this photo! I love your blog! All your posts on this blog are great and
the pics are wonderful!

6:43 AM


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I'm a happy kid living with my parents and our dog in Toronto. I'm goofy, sweet, smart, extremely chatty, and pretty much the cutest kid on the face of the Earth!