Tuesday, August 02, 2011


New TARDIS 03 by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy]

Today we picked Blueberries (BB's) and visited my Great-Grandmother (GG)!

The morning was fairly low-key... I visited with Gammy and Grandpa while Mommy prepped breakfast and stuff. Daddy and I had our usual smoked salmon lunch (Daddy had the day off due to it being a holiday), and then we headed out for the day!

First off, we went to Andrews Scenic Acres, and did a lot of berry picking. The berries were quite bountiful! We got a load of raspberries and several loads of blueberries. I made sure to insist that Daddy be careful... last time we were there, he was attacked by wasps! I didn't let him forget it.

Once that was all finished, we drove over to Guelph to visit GG. She had a hard time seeing me and I was talking WAY too fast for her (or almost anyone else) to follow, but we all had a nice visit nonetheless. She was sure glad to see us!

We had a long drive home... I was bummed that my iPod wasn't working, but Daddy humoured me by playing mostly my favourite songs in the car. Let's hope I'm less picky on our lengthy vacation road trip later this week.

Listening to: Jason Falkner - All Quiet On The Noise Floor


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I'm a happy kid living with my parents and our dog in Toronto. I'm goofy, sweet, smart, extremely chatty, and pretty much the cutest kid on the face of the Earth!