Friday, August 19, 2011

Still Jet Lagged

Athabasca Glacier 02 by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy on August 20th]

After last night's bedtime drama, Mommy made sure that I got up at a normal hour, to make sure that my sleeping schedule was reset. We had a quiet morning, taking walks and stuff... we went to the store, and Mommy sent me inside with a five dollar bill. I bought cream, and she let me go right back in to buy penny candy with the change. I was so happy!

We went to the Eastlynn market after lunch, which was a pretty huge disappointment, and we didn't end up getting many groceries or anything. There was hardly anything there! We came home and Mommy made a pizza for dinner (Daddy was at his company's summer party tonight).

Once again, there were hours and hours of bedtime drama. I was so worried about not automatically falling asleep that it drove both Mommy and I ragged. I finally fell asleep in her bed at about midnight, just before Daddy got home from his work party. Here's hoping tomorrow is better.


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I'm a happy kid living with my parents and our dog in Toronto. I'm goofy, sweet, smart, extremely chatty, and pretty much the cutest kid on the face of the Earth!