Saturday, February 04, 2012

yaD dsrawkcaB

Forest Pose by Clover_1
]ht8 beF no yddaD yb debircsnart sA[

.sdik rehto eht dna moM ym htiw tuo gnuh dna ,ti fo hguone eta I swonk droL .yppah ytterp em edam hcihw ,)eno tsuj saw ti ebyam - noitceles a t'nsaw ti ebyam ,llew( elbaliava sazzip fo noitceles eerf-netulg a dah yeht taht yas ot yppah saw I ,yawynA

!yzarC !sdrawkcab sehtolc reh raew ot dah osla ehs ,yad sdrawkcab saw ti esuaceb tub - gnihtyreve eesrevo pleh dluoc ehs taht os gnola emac ymmoM .hcnul azzip gib a dah ew ,ytivitca loohcs ynaz hguone t'nsaw taht fI

.sdrawkcab sehtolc ym gniraew devol I !ytfin ytterP .setisoppo etarbelec ew dna ,redro esrever eht ni sgniht yas ew ,tnorf-ot-kcab sehtolc ruo raew ot teg ew - ot drawrof kool yllaer I taht gnihtemos syawla si hcihw ,yadot loohcs ta 'yaD sdrawkcaB' launna ruo saw tI


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I'm a happy kid living with my parents and our dog in Toronto. I'm goofy, sweet, smart, extremely chatty, and pretty much the cutest kid on the face of the Earth!