Monday, October 31, 2005

Take a hike!

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Today Mommy and Daddy and I went to a restaurant for brunch - right as the waitress showed up to take our plates away, I stood on the table and took a huge dump. It was awesome. You can only get away with that if you're an infant.

We went with Basil back to the York Regional Forest at the end of Kennedy Road and went for a great hike - I loved it! The weather was fantastic, the colours were gorgeous, and I giggled and cooed the whole time!

Once we got home I fell asleep - must've been all that fresh air. Mommy and Daddy carved funny pumpkins for some reason.

I really am one heck of a happy baby.

Sunday, October 30, 2005


[As transcribed by Daddy]

We all slept well last night, because Mommy and Daddy and Basil let me share the bed with them again. When we woke up, Mommy's shoulder was all screwed up, so we visited the chiropractor. We came home and all had a nap instead of lunch.

Later in the afternoon, we all went downtown so Daddy could buy some comic books and stuff - I slept through it all, though. When we came home and I woke up, we watched cartoons.

I'm wide awake again - lucky for my parents that when I don't want to sleep, at least I'm always in a good mood.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Running Mommy ragged

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Last night I didn't want to sleep alone in my crib - Mommy wouldn't give up, though, and kept trying to put me in there. As a result, we were both up and about a lot during the night (this is where I pay my parents back for such an easy first three months).

Today, Mommy was exhausted, and I might have been a little tired and cranky myself.

Could it be that I am in fact teething, and this is what's keeping me awake at night?

Friday, October 28, 2005

I love to talk!

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Today Mommy and I had our last day of 'baby classes' - I spent the entire time trying to chat up the other babies. It was pretty funny. If there ever was a moment of silence, I would make sure I filled it.

Later in the day, Gammy and Grandpa were visited by a friend of theirs (six months pregnant!), and I was cute for her, too.

Sleeping in my crib has become something I'd rather not bother with anymore, much to my parents' chagrin.

Thursday, October 27, 2005


[As transcribed by Daddy]

Today was another good day - Mommy thinks I may have a tooth coming in along by bottom gum. Either that or I've got a big gash in my mouth from all the times I frantically stuff my claws in there.

Mommy and Gammy and Basil and I went for a nice walk, and we were later joined by Lucie, our next door neighbour.

Daddy let me try some applesauce today, too. It was good. I had a bath.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


[As transcribed by Daddy]

Today I was a little angel. After dinner, Mommy and Daddy and Gamma and I went to a place to buy some shelving. It's getting pretty chilly outside. I'm planning on not going to bed at a reasonable hour tonight, making it three nights in a row (as Daddy writes this, I'm in my crib raucously conversing with my mobile).

I should also mention that one of Daddy's friends recently had a cute little baby way out there in a place called Timmins. We were all happy to get the news!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Rolling Over

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Today I was a perfect angel all day, and hardly ever did I grunt, groan, whine, complain, or protest. I even managed to stay happy througout tummy time by learning how to roll over!

The only problem, of course, is that I am REFUSING to sleep. Poor Mommy is not happy about this recent reluctance of mine to snooze - maybe I'm taking after Daddy's nocturnal inclinations.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Sleep patterns

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Today Mommy and Daddy and I went to the mall to buy a new winter coat for Mommy. We had a pretty good time - I was asleep for most of it, of course.

Daddy went out after dinner for several hours - I had a bath and spent some quality time with Mommy. When he came home, I was so excited, there was no way I felt like going to bed.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Adventures in Babysitting

[As transcribed by Daddy]

A big day - after a regular rainy Saturday, Mommy and Daddy LEFT. They just left! For the whole evening!

So, I took care of Gammy, Anisa, and Basil while they were gone. We had our ups and downs, but all things considered, it was good stuff - they made up a song and sang it to me:

There once was a baby named 'Clover'
We walked and we walked her all over
She'd fuss & she'd cry
While we watched "The Fly"
The dog's name is 'Basil', not 'Rover'.

Mommy and Daddy came home late at night, and as such, the babysitting escapade was over. I guess I could stand to do it again.

Saturday, October 22, 2005


[As transcribed by Daddy]

Woke up next to Mommy, and she was asleep... so I yelled and wiggled at her until her eyes opened, and then I smiled at her.

Gammy took Mommy and I to visit the Doctor... I now weigh 15 pounds. I screamed all the way home, because I figured I was supposed to. Right? Maybe? Afterwards, Daddy took Gammy and Mommy and I to buy a new video game and some free light bulbs. Exciting.

I should also mention that I've now actually started playing with a toy - the pacifier clip that came with my car seat mobile. It's a little green frog, it makes noise, and I love to smack it around!

Friday, October 21, 2005

Size 2 diapers

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Today I was in a much happier mood - after a trip to Home Depot with Mommy, we had baby classes, and I was a perfect little angel. I even managed to have a "conversation" with another baby.

After dinner, Daddy took Mommy to the dentist, and the two of us did laps around the mall. He ran into an old friend, but I slept through the whole thing. I trust there was much discussion about my cuteness, etc.

After we did some grocery shopping (zzz) we came home - Gammy came down and watched TV with us. Mommy is putting me in size 2 disposable diapers while I sleep now... yeah, they destroy the environment, but if cousin Robin does it...

Thursday, October 20, 2005


[As transcribed by Daddy]

Another day waking up with the sniffles = another day of general grumpiness. I could have said what could be misconstrued to be my first word: "HUGGA!" ...but we all know that it was just me babbling incoherently and nonsensically at Mommy.

Today I'm in a much more talkative mood than I was yesterday, when Daddy had that stupid microphone in my face all the time. I should also mention that I'm getting good at grabbing people's fingers and stuffing them into my mouth.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Three Months Old!

[As transcribed by Daddy]

A quiet day - I was grumpy in the afternoon, and once Daddy came home we all drove downtown to pick up some food. He and Mommy ate like a couple of piggies, oh yes they did.

To celebrate my (three-month) birthday, I tried to record another audio greeting to all of my friends. Unfortunately, I was more interested in eating the mic than actually speaking into it. Click here to hear what I mean...

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Sick Mommy

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Mommy and I are both sick, and we're both grumpy. While Daddy was off having a good time at work, we were left sitting around the house sneezing and being all stuffed up and stuffy and stuff.

Gamma's friend Debbie came by and delivered a present from her co-worker, Atef. It was a nice pink outfit - and it fits!

Monday, October 17, 2005

Crib sleeper

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Today we went to the mall and bought me an autumn jacket. When we came home I had a long nap, and then Daddy and I hung out and had a nice chat. We went out for coffee after dinner, but I was sound asleep. As usual.

I've also been sleeping for hours and hours and hours in my crib since we got back from vacation - which means Daddy has stopped crashing on the couch night after night.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Cold Rain

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Today Mommy and Daddy had a chiropractor's appointment. Daddy sure does grunt and laugh a lot while the nice man is beating him into a pulp.

We went for a pretty walk with Basil today, but it started to rain heavily, and the temperature suddenly dropped. I immediately fell asleep in my carrier, and when I woke up, we were warm, dry, and at home.

After dinner we went to the bookstore - once we were home I got kinda cranky, and it seemed like the littlest thing would set me off. Mommy wonders if I even have a cold at all - or if I'm actually just teething. It would explain a lot.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

I thig I hab a code

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Uh-oh... woke up all sneezy and snotty and coughy. At least I'm too young to realize that being sniffly really sucks. So... yay!

My friend in Edmonton (who I've never even met) knit and mailed me a cute little outfit! With little clovers on the feet! Later in the day, everyone in the house (except Basil) went next door to visit the people who live there. I wanted to go home.

Friday, October 14, 2005


[As transcribed by Daddy]

I was such a little angel today... I started the day off with a gloriously happy 'scream-squeal' at Daddy that kept him in a great mood all day. The only time I cried was when we went to the supermarket and my hat fell down over my eyes.

Mommy got annoyed with me chewing on her finger, so she let me chew on a carrot. I couldn't tell the difference.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Asleep awake asleep awake asleep awake

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Today I had a lot of naps, which means that I'm gonna be up for most of the night. All day long I was extremely clingy with Mommy, but once Daddy came home from work, he put me in the carrier and paced around the apartment, allowing Mommy to have a long, well-deserved bath.

Daddy keeps mentioning that walking with me in the carrier is helping him 'burn calories'. I don't quite know how to take that.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Daft Punk is Playing in My House

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Daddy is very sick with cousin Nevik's cold - all stuffy and gross. He's been trying to keep his distance so that I don't get his cold, but my cuteness is too powerful - he can't fight it. He paced back-and-forth in the living room with me in the carrier for about an hour before I went to sleep. I guess it's only a matter of time before I too become all snotty.

We went out for coffee again tonight - I guess we're back into the groove of things. Obviously, I can be in the car again without spazzing out. I really like the music we listen to.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


[As transcribed by Daddy]

Everyone is shocked at how big I am. Gammy and Grandpa were amazed at how much I grew while I was on vacation - in fact, the diapers I had before I left don't fit anymore.

Speaking of the vacation, while we were in Montreal, Daddy's Uncle Ed discovered something cool - when he shook my feet, it automatically made me laugh. Now Daddy can't stop shaking my legs! Funny stuff!

Monday, October 10, 2005

Home again

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Back in Toronto!

I was sad to leave Montreal and all of my new friends, but happy to go home and see Gammy and Grandpa and Basil again. I slept most of the way home - but because of my tantrum fiasco the other day, Mommy and Daddy were nervous about me the whole time.

I should mention that I also got to drink water for the first time today. It was alright. Not as good as milk.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

No travelling for once.

[As transcribed by Daddy on Oct 10th, 2005]

Today Mommy and Daddy had the good sense not to drive me anywhere except for an excursion to a cheese market with Nevik, Uncle Ed, and Aunt Diane. Later, cousins Eric and Elizabeth and Olivia and Robin and Brian came over and we had a nice little Thanksgiving dinner, with very little commotion (from my point of view).

It's getting cold outside. Is that just a Montreal thing?

Saturday, October 08, 2005


[As transcribed by Daddy on Oct 10th, 2005]

The drive from Saint John to Bangor, Maine was good and all, but by then I had decided - enough is enough. This car seat sucks. I'm bored, I'm tired. I'm hungry. Whatever. Commence world's second biggest tantrum! Later, after a beautiful drive through northwest Maine and southeast Quebec, I outdid the previous tantrum with the world's biggest scream-fest of all time! I drove my parents crazy! We're in Montreal now, but I'm just glad to be out of that car seat.

Friday, October 07, 2005


[As transcribed by Daddy on Oct 10th, 2005]

I was sad to leave Cape Breton - Gemma and the ladies at the Hotel were so nice to me! We drove to New Brunswick and were going to drive along the coast, but the weather and Moncton traffic prevented it. I was so well-behaved that I figured I was due for a decent freakout at least once on our trip - so I threw a tantrum at dinner in Saint John. Mommy and Daddy escaped from the restaurant and had subs instead of a fancy meal. Mission Accomplished!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Cape Breton

[As transcribed by Daddy on Oct 10th, 2005]

The ladies of Cape Breton sure do love me. Everywhere we stopped, they talked to me and carried me and showed me off. I feel special! We had lunch in a seafood restaurant (Daddy eating seafood is still funny stuff) and then we drove into Cape Breton National Park. Daddy took a lot of photos, and we took some hikes in the forest. I had a diaper change (which set a record for most elevated, most scenic, most elevated, and 'most poopy') and we drove all the way up to Meat Cove. We raced back to the Hotel in time to watch our favourite TV show.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Nova Scotia

[As transcribed by Daddy on Oct 10th, 2005]

Today we took a pretty drive and saw some cows. Then we crossed a big bridge and drove through a really small province and visited some provincial parks that were literally as big as our back yard at home. Had a picnic, then took another boat across to a new place, where I got pretty fussy. Now, we're at a place about five seconds from the bridge to Cape Breton. All the ladies at trhe restaraunt here love me!!! Mommy is very tired.

In other news, I've discovered that I like to splash in the bathtub.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

The Car Seat Lament

[As transcribed by Daddy on Oct 10th, 2005]

This morning I took a trip to my first beach with Mommy and Daddy, and then we crossed the river on a thing called a 'boat'. It was windy. We drove all the way across New Brunswick to a city called 'Moncton'. Daddy wants to go go go, but sometimes I just want to feed feed feed. Mommy and I sang together in the car - it's fun!

Monday, October 03, 2005

"I'm drivin' down Highway 40 in my Pontiac Pursuit..."

[As transcribed by Daddy on Oct 10th, 2005]

Today we left Montreal and drove to another place, Quebec City. After sitting in stupid traffic, we went to my first cafe, had a nice walk, and then Daddy got us stuck in a parking garage. We drove along a river to a town called St. Simeon - Daddy ate a shrimp salad for dinner, and watching him eat was so funny, I couldn't stop laughing!

Sunday, October 02, 2005


[As transcribed by Daddy on Oct 10th, 2005]

Today, Mommy and Daddy and I drove far, far away to a place called 'Montreal'. I slept for almost the entire way there! More new family members greeted us, including new cousins / aunts / uncles - Ed, Diane, Olivia, Nevik, Eric, Elizabeth, and Robin. Everyone was pretty cool, and there was a lot of photo-taking going on.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

A talent for smiling

[As transcribed by Daddy]

Today Mommy and Gamma took me shopping... I got lots of really cool and cute new clothes! Good thing... all my socks were too small. I'm growin' fast.

Daddy took Mommy and I out shopping for books - we went to the same bookstore where my belly-button fell out, months ago. No sign of my belly-button. Came home and smiled for Gamma, Anisa, and her visiting friend.

Daddy wants me to mention that we're going to be on vacation for ten days starting tomorrow, so we may not be able to update the blog while we're on the road. But we'll do our best!

I'm a happy kid living with my parents and our dog in Toronto. I'm goofy, sweet, smart, extremely chatty, and pretty much the cutest kid on the face of the Earth!