Thursday, May 31, 2012

Lawrence East Station

Lawrence East Station by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy on July 3rd]

The walk from Kennedy to Lawrence may have been the first leg of the trans-Toronto hike... taking on Kennedy was long and potentially dull (given that it was, unfortunately, the dregs of Scarborough). But it turned out to be something special.

A few blocks north of Eglinton and Kennedy, it started raining pretty hard on us. We broke out our raincoats and pressed on... and laughed, and laughed, and laughed and laughed. It rained so hard on us, it was hilarious!

The sang songs, vowed to make it all the way to the end of the Scarborough RT line, and had an awesome time.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Kennedy Station

Kennedy Station by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy on July 3rd]

Daddy got his iPhone working properly and determined the proper WALKING directions between Warden and Kennedy station, which made for perhaps the single most unusual route we had to walk - and this is pretty much the case for the entire walk before and after.

We continued east along St. Clair, and then we cut through a TINY part of St. Clair Ravine Park (during which we had a brief sit on a bench). Then we walked through some tiny suburban side streets, at which point it started raining on us. Ever so slightly.

After hiking North along Birchmount for a few blocks, we hit another residential area and then walked along some train tracks before emerging at Kennedy! Quite the adventure, and quite the long hike.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Warden Station

Warden Station by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy on July 2nd]

If Daddy had used his iPhone PROPERLY, he would have discovered that she shortest distance between Vic Park and Warden Stations is actually a lovely hike through Byng Park and Warden Woods. Alas, he checked 'driving directions' instead of 'walking directions'. As a result, we walked North along Victoria Park and east along St. Clair...

...That's 3.2 kilometers! Perhaps the longest distance between stations throughout the entire TTC system (I'll have to get back to you on that, though).

At one point, Daddy wasn't even sure I'd want to keep going past Warden, it was talking so long. However, we stopped at a Dairy Queen (FINALLY) for neon green syrupy slush, and I was ready to keep going.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Victoria Park Station

Victoria Park Station by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy on July 2nd]

Well, it finally happened - our hike across the city finally had us leaving Bloor / Danforth for the first time. Most of the subway stations aren't much more than a block north (or in one case kinda south) of Bloor or Danforth... but Victoria Park station is a few blocks North.

Once we made it to Victoria Park Station, Daddy had to consult his iPhone for the first time to figure out the shortest distance between stations.

I should also mention that we walked past a lot of ridiculous carpet stores right before leaving Bloor. If anyone reading this needs to ever buy an ugly carpet (that would suitably double as an ironically funny beach towel), the stores one block west of Vic Park are just waiting for you.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Main Street Station

Main Street Station by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy on July 2nd]

Daddy and I began the third leg of our epic trans-Toronto hike on the third of June. It was looking a little cloudy, so we packed our raincoats. We headed out to Woodbine station after lunch, ready to hit Scarborough.

We were so amped and ready to go that something pretty unusual happened - we actually walked right past a subway station and forgot to take pictures in front of it! We were almost halfway to Victoria Park Station when we realized we needed to go back.


Saturday, May 26, 2012

Woodbine Station

Woodbine Station by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy on July 2nd]

Well, having walked a whopping 10.5 km (added to the 9.2 km from the first leg of our walk) from Dufferin Station, Daddy and I decided to call it a day, and got a ride home from Woodbine Station...

...but not before stopping at McDonalds for a serving of small fries to go. I happily walked along Danforth with a big old bag of McD's in my hand, while Daddy limped exhausted alongside me.

Our next walk will be pretty different as we continue East along Danforth... because next up is the dreaded Scarborough leg of the TTC line. Daddy expects it will be frustratingly boring. We'll see...

Friday, May 25, 2012

Coxwell Station

Coxwell Station by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy on July 2nd]

Daddy used to walk from Danforth and Coxwell to Danforth and Greenwood quite a lot when he was in high school, visiting the comic book store during lunch. The walk back was likewise a daily thing. He reckons that our walk together from Greenwood Station to Coxwell Station is the first time he's retraced that route since he was a teenager.

It's changed a lot in almost twenty years (!). The bike store is still there, but a lot of the rest of it is pretty different. Some stores are open, some are closed, most are different.

It was this part of the journey during which I really started to get a hankering for french fries, and during which Daddy finally threw in the towel and called for a pickup from the upcoming Woodbine Station.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Greenwood Station

Greenwood Station by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy on July 1st]

So, it was pretty cool - right before Daddy and I hit Greenwood station, we walked over to the comic book store where Daddy usually buys his comic boxes.

We did some browsing of odds and ends, and then I found a board game that I really wanted. Since I had been so awesome on the walk, Daddy decided to oblige.

The guy running the store is the same guy that used to own a different store Daddy went to when he was in high school, which was a really long time ago! Daddy isn't sure if the guy remembers him... but we kinda think he did.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Donlands Station

Donlands Station by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy on July 1st]

I guess it's one of those things about Bloor street... it's awesomeness is pretty patchy. For every Bloor West Village or Greektown, there's that crappy chunk around Dufferin, and now this little stretch around Donlands.

Oh well. At least there were lots of Halal restaurants to look at. Daddy and I were kinda surprised at how many old men were walking around shirtless. What is it about the Bloor and Donlands area that makes old men take off their shirts? Weird.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Pape Station

Pape Station by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy on July 1st]

The stretch of Bloor between Broadview and Pape turned out to be another of our favourites along the massive hike. So many cool stores, restaurants, and awesome things to see and do!

By this point, we both had our eyes on the prize, and didn't want to waste too much energy by hitting up too many stores and stuff. I had my popsicle to keep us going, so it really wasn't too difficult.

Unfortunately, Pape station is completely under renovations, so there was no sign for me to stand in front of to have my picture taken. The entire stop is encased in ugly green plywood panels.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Chester Station

Chester Station by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy on July 1st]

So, crossing the Bloor viaduct really seemed to take a bit out of me. Daddy really expected me to want to go home once we hit Broadview station, but I surprised him by pressing on.

He and I hit a drug store on the way to Chester. I got a popsicle (see the photo above) and he got some water for us to drink.

Once we walked past the Big Carrot, I got pretty excited - it meant that we were actually getting closer to home! I pretty much made the decision to get all the way to Woodbine right then and there.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Broadview Station

Broadview Station by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy on July 1st]

Daddy and I finally got to cross the Bloor viaduct on the way to Broadview station today. It was so cool! One of the things we did was count all of the cyclists that cycled past us.

There were a lot of other people crossing the bridge, and somehow, Daddy and I were faster than all of them. I had a lot of questions about the large wire barriers on either side of the bridge. Daddy explained that they were put there to prevent people from jumping off of the bridge to their deaths.

I can't for the life of me figure out why anyone would ever want to jump off of the bridge.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Castle Frank Station

Castle Frank Station by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy on June 30th]

So there was Daddy and I, walking Eastbound on Bloor, approacing the Bloor viaduct, and neither of us were really interested in finishing the big Frappucinos we had purchased from Starbucks.

Since we had been walking so long, I asked Daddy if we could have a seat on the grass over by Parliament Street. We chatted for a bit, tried our best to drink our beverages, and then gave up. It was a nice break.

I was really excited about the upcoming bridge we were gonna cross. Once we hit the subway station, we finally found a garbage can in which to dispose of the Starbucks.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Sherbourne Station

Sherbourne Station by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy on June 30th]

The area of Bay and Bloor over to Yonge street was pretty busy and just hopping with activity. Daddy and I found it very surprising at how quiet things get, a single block east of Yonge.

I finally found a Starbucks a few blocks before we hit Sherbourne, just over by the big Rogers headquarters. I don't think the ladies there got our Frappucino orders right, but I didn't care.

By the time we arrived at Sherbourne, I think Daddy and I both decided we didn't want them anymore anyway.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Yonge Station

Yonge Station by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy on June 30th]

If you thought the walk from St. George Station to Bay Station was short, you'd be surprised at how quick the walk from Bay to Yonge Station is. These stops are so close together!

Now, aside from Union Station, Yonge/Bloor has to be the busiest of all of the TTV subway stations. Heck, it might even be busier. So... how on Earth is it that there are NO outdoor signs marking the entrance to Yonge Station?! The best we could find was the one in the photo above, which features the TTC logo and then the word 'Subway'.


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Bay Station

Bay Station by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy on June 30th]

Well, the walk from St. George to Bay was another really quick one, but at least it was cool and awesome. I got to walk past the Royal Ontario Museum, which is great, and one of my favourite places in the city.

We walked past some of the fancy high-end clothing stores along Bloor, and I even stopped for a quick sit-down in front of one. I got back up when I saw a bee.

It was around this point that I started keeping my eyes open for a Starbucks. I was getting really thirsty / hungry.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

St. George Station

St. George Station by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy on June 30th]

The walk from Spadina to St. George was really fast... not a lot of space between those two stations. Of course, once we made it to St. George, it was surprisingly hard to find a sign with the name of the station on it. Check out the picture above!

One thing that's become clear to Daddy and I over the course of our walk (it became even more evident as we progressed through the city) is that is pathetically ridiculous how inconsistent and poor the wayfinding system in the TTC is.

How hard would it be for them to just institute a uniform system of labeling, signage, and branding throughout? So many designers and information architects would be happy to do it for free, I'm certain. Of course, Daddy used to do work for the TTC. He knows why they are the way they are.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Spadina Station

Spadina Station by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy on June 29th]

The walk from Bathurst to Spadina was one of my favourite legs of the entire city walking project. The stores along Bloor were really cool. Daddy and I went in and out of several of them... we checked out a book store, a video game store, and my favourite - a frozen yogurt place!

The two of us happily got ourselves a yogurt sundae each. Daddy made sure he didn't overdo it with the toppings, whereas mine was probably more toppings than yogurt. We wolfed that stuff down, man... and then we were off to Spadina!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Bathurst Station

Bathurst Station by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy on June 29th]

Lunch time! After passing Christie station, Daddy and I walked through little Korea, and tried to find something that would suit us. I eventually decided on a restaurant that served Korean food AND sushi. Daddy got Korean food, and I got sushi. We were the only ones at the restaurant that early in the morning.

Right before we hit Bathurst station, Daddy and I visited Sonic Boom records over by Honest Ed's. He bought CDs and stuff, while I pulled random albums out of the racks.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Christie Station

Christie Station by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy on June 29th]

Walking on the south side of Bloor between Ossington and Christie stations, we passed a big school (which was right across from the Christie Pits). In front of the school, inlaid in the sidewalk pavement, was a map of the city, marking certain subway stops. I decided then and there that I wanted to build my own massive subway map out of fabric. Daddy thinks it's a cool idea and an awesome project.

Right around Christie station there's a big ice cream store. I was sooooo tempted to go in and ruin my lunch with a big ice cream cone, but Daddy promised that there would be ice cream after lunch, so I decided to hold off.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Ossington Station

Ossington Station by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy on June 29th]

So, on the second day of our big walk - on May 20th, which is technically, like, ten days after the date stamp on this blog post, but whatever - Daddy and I took the subway out to Dufferin Station, where we ended up last time, and walked to Ossington.

It was already really hot, and we had only walked one stop! Daddy was so worried that I wouldn't last long, but I guess the copious amounts of suntan lotion Mommy slathered me in before I left gave me the will and the protection to continue on.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Dufferin Station

Dufferin Station by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy on June 29th]

As we walked from Lansdowne station over to Dufferin Station, I told Daddy that I'd re-examine how I felt once we arrived, but I had pretty much decided that this'd be the last stretch of our first walk.

Our family Doctor is right at Dufferin Station, so it wasn't too weird being in the neighbourhood, but it did give me an appreciation for how far from home he is.

Amazingly, once Daddy and I got home, I had a renewed sense of energy. Being six means having an internal renewable energy source.

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Lansdowne Station

Lansdowne Station by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy on June 28th]

Just next to Lansdowne station (which is in a kinda sketchy area of Bloor street) is a really awesome little cafe. Daddy and I totally loved it - the people who worked there were really cool, and the food was great! We got some juice to drink, and they even gave me a really cool gluten-free cookie made of vegetables and nuts and stuff.

Daddy and I hung out at the cafe for a few minutes, and then pretty much decided that we'd do only one more station and head home from there. It was probably a good call, as we were both getting really exhausted.

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Dundas West Station

Dundas West Station by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy on June 28th]

The walk from Keele to Dundas West marked the part where the hike started getting really difficult for me. The sun was getting hot, the neighbourhood took a turn for the seriously sketchy, and I just became generally tired. Even taking a photo in front of the station was tough, as people were all over it.

Incidentally, I think this specific blog post occupies the day that Daddy and I took our actual hike from Kipling to Dufferin. Cool!

Monday, May 07, 2012

Keele Station

Keele Station by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy on June 28th]

As you can see from the above photo, once we got to Keele station, I thought it would be kinda funny to pose in front of it giving the old 'thumb's down.' No idea why I did this, but I remember Daddy and I both finding it funny that I would arbitrarily choose a subway station to dislike.

On the way out via the subway to START the hike, we tried to guess the colour of each subway station before we arrived in it. I think Keele was the only one I guessed right.

Sunday, May 06, 2012

High Park Station

High Park Station by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy on June 28th]

The walk past High Park was interesting. I really wanted to go and check it out and see if there were any playgrounds in it, but... we had a lot of walking to do. The pull of the playground was strong, but not strong enough to pull me away from our big hike.

Back all those years ago when Daddy took me on this same walk (back when I was one year old), he let me explore High Park a bit on foot... which made him nervous, because of all the goose poop. He remembers that vividly.

Saturday, May 05, 2012

Runnymede Station

Runnymede Station by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy on June 27th]

On the way to Runnymede Station, Daddy and I finally gave up on minding a Dairy Queen, and grabbed a frozen ice cream cone from out of a cooler in a little convenience store.

You'd think that there would be at least ONE Dairy Queen along Bloor Street. But there isn't. Not one.

Friday, May 04, 2012

Jane Station

Jame Station by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy on June 27th]

Drama! As Daddy and I walked eastward along Bloor from Old Mill Station to Jane, I tripped on the sidewalk and fell down, skinning my knee. I freaked out!

Once Daddy calmed me down, I rolled up my pant leg and pushed forward. Once we made it to the part of Bloor where Jane station was supposed to be... we couldn't find it! It was hidden, like, in a back alley.

Thursday, May 03, 2012

Old Mill Station

Old Mill Station by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy on June 27th]

Exiting Bloor West Village, we approached the Old Mill and the Etobicoke border. We passed a big cemetary, crossed a big bridge, and found ourselves at Old Mill Station.

Daddy and I had been reading the fourth book in the A Series of Unfortunate Events series, set at the 'Lucky Smells Lumber Mill.' I expected the Old Mill of Old Mill Station to be like that, but it appeared to be much nicer.

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Royal York Station

Royal York Station by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy on June 27th]

The walk from Kipling to Islington to Royal York was pretty nice... Bloor Street out there is happening and active. I really wanted sushi for lunch, but since it was a quiet Sunday afternoon, everything was closed.

Daddy and I had lunch at the Firkin past Islington Station. We ate fish and chips while Daddy tried to drown out the noise of the drunken morons at the bar who kept swearing really audibly.

Bloor West Village was pretty cool. We kept our eyes open for a Dairy Queen so that I could grab some ice cream.

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Islington Station

Islington Station by Clover_1
[As transcribed by Daddy on June 27th]

When Daddy and I first decided to head out on our big TTC trip, it required a massive jaunt on the subway to the west end of the Bloor-Danforth line. Back when I was one year old, Daddy attempted this trip with me strapped to his chest, but he only went as far as Islington Station. This time, we went all the way to Kipling. I was notably surprised at how long it took us to get all the way out there.

I liked Kipling Station... it was kinda cool, if not a little bit on the desolate side. It took us forever to find the east exit, but once we did we were on our way to Bloor Street. It was pretty hot that day.

I'm a happy kid living with my parents and our dog in Toronto. I'm goofy, sweet, smart, extremely chatty, and pretty much the cutest kid on the face of the Earth!