Monday, July 31, 2006
Rotary Park
[As transcribed by Daddy]
I woke up in a pretty good mood, and played with Mommy and Daddy while they tried to sleep in. After my morning nap and some lunch, the bunch of us headed back out to that park we found last weekend - we went for a nice hike, but I really hated being in my stroller. Once I got out and into a swingset or onto the grass, I was much happier.
We did some more random driving in Ajax, then headed home again. Daddy and I had some time to kill between then and dinner, so he strapped me to his chest and we took a really long walk, just the two of us. It was fun - we practised sounding out the alphabet. Then we came home and played in my room for a bit.
After all the day's excitement, it was hard for me to calm down enough to go to sleep!
Posted by Clover @ 1:25 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Get that thermometer away from my armpit!
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Daddy was awakened this morning by the sound of me rustling around in the kitchen. He got there just in time to discover that I had emptied Basil's water dish all over the floor, had placed a potato inside it, and was thus trying to drink the potato.
I was in a pretty grumpy mood until I had a nice, long nap. When I woke up two hours later, I was much happier... until Mommy tried to take my temperature. I launched into a horrible, horrible tantrum that didn't cease until I fell asleep in the car as we headed out for an afternoon drive.
After a crazy rainstorm, we went for a short hike, but the bugs were pretty bitey, so we went to the mall instead (but not before getting a lot of great photographs). On the way, we saw a family of ducks crossing the street, I quaked at them, and scared them away! Hee-hee!
Posted by Clover @ 12:52 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Splashy splashy!
[As transcribed by Daddy]
I really slept in this morning - Daddy came into wake me up before he went to work, and he declared the sight of me, happily sitting up all groggy with terrible bedhead to be one of the sweetest, most precious things he's ever seen in his entire life.
After a three-hour nap (!) and lunch, I went to the park with Mommy and Gamma. I was very excited to see the swings, plus I gt to put on my new bathing suit and go play in the little splash pool! It was great! I had a blast, wading and splashing around - I wanted to go into the deep section, but nobody would let me. Mommy got her jeans all soaking wet.
Later in the evening, while hanging out with my grandparents, I walked across the room all by myself, without being prompted. Not bad, eh?
Posted by Clover @ 12:52 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 28, 2006
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Today I gave Mommy a hug, and then I gave her a book and said "Maaa!" So she read the book. Then she put the book on the floor, and I picked it up and said "Maaa!" So she read the book. Then she put the book on the floor, and I picked it up and said "Maaa!" So she read the book. Then she put the book on the floor, and I cried.
Later, I took a grape stem out of the garbage and then gave it to Mommy, who put it in the garbage. Then I took the grape stem out of the garbage and then gave it to Mommy, who put it in the garbage. Then I took the grape stem out of the garbage and then gave it to Mommy, who put it in the garbage, and so I cried.
After I accidentally shut myself up in the bathroom, Daddy came home - we sang together and I showered him with kisses and hugs. He put me down, and I asked to be picked up again. We sang together and I showered him with kisses and hugs. He put me down, and I asked to be picked up again. We sang together and I showered him with kisses and hugs. He put me down, and I cried.
Posted by Clover @ 12:13 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 27, 2006
[As transcribed by Daddy]
I was in a wonderfully sweet mood all day today. I've got a new tooth coming in on my upper gum, and the worst of it seems to be over, so I'm generally all smiles and sunshine. If you ask me for a kiss, I'll pucker up, and if you ask me for a hug, I'll turn sideways and snuggle up against you, so that you can hug me. It's awfully cute.
Mommy and I went out for coffee with Charlotte and her Mommy today, and then we all went to a little park and played around in the grass. I also stood in a wading pool a little bit. It looked like it was going to thunderstorm, but it never did.
Also, I've really taken to stealing Mommy's glasses off of her face (this is nothing new), but now I run away quickly, giggling. It's a pretty awesome game! This evening, when it was time to put me to bed, I didn't want to co-operate... all I wanted to do was hug Mommy.
Posted by Clover @ 1:03 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
My dog Ah-hem.
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Woke up in a great mood - I was playful, funny, and sleepy. A nice combination. I had a scrambled egg for breakfast (thumbs up), a lengthy nap, and many hugs from Mommy.
It was another scorcher out there today - Mommy and I went to the drug store for odds and ends, then came home and read several books over and over again.
In the past I've verbally referred to Basil as simply "Bay," but recently I seem to have switched to calling him "Ah-hem." My parents can't figure out how on Earth I arrived at such a name, but I did. If anyone out there can tell us what it means (Hebrew, maybe?) we'd all appreciate it.
Posted by Clover @ 12:26 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Last night I woke up shrieking, which brought a worried Mommy into my room to comfort me. We both fell asleep there, and I boy, did I ever wake up on the wrongest side of the best this morning. After Daddy went to work, I was back to sleep in a hurry.
Mommy and I went down to the beaches this afternoon, since the weather was so nice - we bought a cute little bathing suit for me. Mommy thinks it looks more like some sort of infant wrestling costume.
All day long I was hungry - totally, constantly, and insatiably hungry. I devoured meal after meal, snack after snack, and demanded more more MORE! I'm sure the neighbours could hear me stomping around, weilding a bunch of bananas at my parents, yelling "A-NA-NA! A-NA-NA!"
Posted by Clover @ 12:07 AM 1 comments
Monday, July 24, 2006
The Basil Voice
[As transcribed by Daddy]
This morning I actually slept in a bit, giving my parents that valuable extra twenty minutes of sleep. Not only that, but after demonstrating my new walking skills for Gamma and Grandpa, I had a 2-hour nap (as did Daddy)! Woah!
After lunch, Mommy and Daddy and I headed off for a hike... only there was rain and lightning bolts coming from the sky. So, we got some coffee, went to a mall we hadn't been to, looked at some pets in a pet store, and bought batteries and a four-dollar DVD. Sounds boring, but we had fun. Then we went to a really nice park and played in the grass.
Those that know my Daddy knows that he does an imitation of Basil's voice, which is really high-pitched, childlike, and oddly, English-speaking. Well, we're all happy to report that I too now do 'The Basil voice.' It's adorable.
Posted by Clover @ 12:01 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 23, 2006
The Lady Went To Market (Walk Walk Walk Walk)
[As Transcribed by Daddy]
This morning, after some early shenanigans and a nap, Mommy and Daddy and I drove downtown to meet their friends Becky and Jason at the big market. It was full of people - I got to eat some avocado and bread. After quick rainy stops at Daddy's office, Starbucks, and the butcher's, we went home and cleaned up the house.
At one point, I decided that Basil's ears would make good CD players. I tried to stuff some discs in there, but he wasn't co-operating. I decided to store them under his butt anyway - so, while he may not make a good CD Player, he does make a good CD warmer.
After a walk to go out and buy Daddy some cereal, we came home, and as I got ready for bed, I up and decided to start walking. I was so proud of myself and so happy that I gave myself a severe case of the hiccups. The next half hour consisted of me trying to walk everywhere - I was so visibly proud and excited thatI mostly riccoched off of the furniture like a drunken sailor. But nonetheless, it's a major milestone - I'm officially walking!
Posted by Clover @ 1:43 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 22, 2006
[As transcribed by Daddy]
I was having a bath this morning, and I tried to escape - I slipped and banged my head on the porcelain. It was only a little bump - but it looks like I've inherited my Mommy's knack for bruising heavily at the merest tap. I've got a bug, dark bruise on my face, now.
I drank apple juice like it was goin' out of style all day. In fact, I pretty much grazed non-stop. After my big weigh-in at twenty-one pounds yesterday, I suppose I oughtta susutain my meagre stature, right?
One of my favourite new games to play is 'Rat Face.' That's where Mommy or Daddy take my toy stuffed rat, screech at the top of their lungs, and throw it at my face. It sounds stupid and awful, but I love it!
Posted by Clover @ 12:22 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 21, 2006
[As transcribed by Daddy]
This afternoon, Mommy and I took the bus and subway downtown for what I thought would be a nice visit to the Doctor's office. Oh, how wrong I was. He poked me with two needles - one in each arm! If I could have torn the building down around us all, I would have. How dare they do that to me?! How could they? I hated the world for a few minutes after that, but then I played in the waiting room with some other kid, and forgot what I was mad about.
At home, I was playing with one of my leftover birthday balloons, and it popped in my face. Mommy and Basil braced for a severely upset reaction - but I couldn't help but find the situation funny, and started laughing. Mommy was relieved.
I got to have sheep's milk yogurt today. Good stuff.
Posted by Clover @ 12:17 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Four-leaf Clover
[As transcribed by Daddy]
At all times today, I was one of two things - a complete and utter joy to be with, or a poop factory. I'm proud to report that in both modes, I dedicated myself to being all I could be.
It was another quiet day - got some letters and postcards from Naisa in the mail, and a birthday card from Great Grannie. I practiced standing (without parental or inanimate support) a lot - with some added shimmying or dancing or wiggling thrown in as a bonus.
Today Cool Uncle Gareth visited Daddy at work and gave him a pretty cool present for me - a real, honest-to-goodness four-leaf Clover that he found yesterday (on my birthday). Isn't that awesome?
Anyway - Mommy and Daddy are working on a re-design for this blog, that hopefully we can have up-and-running by the first anniversary of The Adventures of Clover - nothing against this version... it just needs an annual 'checkup.'
Posted by Clover @ 1:29 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
One Year Old!
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Today's the day - my first birthday. Pretty awesome, huh? To celebrate, I did a whole lot of nuthin'. It was hot, it was humid, and besides - Mommy and I had stuff to do today, like throwing stuffed animals and pillows off of the bed and seemingly endless naps.
After Daddy came home from work, we all went upstairs and had a little mini Birthday celebration - everyone sang "Happy Birthday" to me and I got to eat a cupcake with a sparkler in it. Daddy filmed the whole thing, and Grandpa took about a million photographs, all of which were pure gold (like the one above).
So - that was my first year of life! The past 365 days have been something of a blur for me (I have a hard time remembering last week), but all in all, I've been surrounded by lots of love and family members, I've done a lot of travelling, I've been funny, roly poly, well-rested, well-fed, and extremely happy. Sure, there were a few bumps and bruises (and cappucino burns) along the way, but I can't complain. Mommy and Daddy absolutely love being parents to such a wonderful, awesome kid (if I do say so myself), and they can't wait for whatever lies on the horizon...
Posted by Clover @ 1:11 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
First Annual Legendary Pot Roast Anniversary
[As transcribed by Daddy]
It was about ten trillion degrees outside, so we didn't do much outside - although Mommy did take my duckie-bathtub out onto the shady porch, and I played in it under the open sky, for a change. Fun times!
Last night, Gamma and Grandpa gave me a toy for my birthday, but it came all broken. Today they gave me a replacement - it was so much fun! Birthdays rock! Ms. Mattie in South Carolina sent me a card - it was really nice! It had a flower on it, and I love playing with paper, so cards are extra-special for me.
Finally, tonight was the first anniversary of the legendary Pot Roast Mommy cooked while she was in labour with me. To celebrate, she made a briazed beef-rib stew (which is close to pot roast). To say that I absolutely loved it is putting it extremely mildly. I stuffed myself silly and then went to bed. The celebration continued without me - Mommy and Daddy went to a pretty good movie.
Posted by Clover @ 12:57 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 17, 2006
Party on the Surface of the Sun
[As transcribed by Daddy]
This morning Daddy and Basil followed Mommy and I around, cleaning up after us as she iced cupcakes, and I... uh... pooped in my pants and stuff.
Then we all headed down to the park and met up with Gamma, Grandpa, Cool Uncle Gareth and Julia, Evan's friend Lisa from work (who brought me bike stuff), my old friend Samantha and her husband Juha, as well as my baby friends Aubrey and Charlie and their parents. All for my birthday! We had balloons and everything! We sat and played in the hot (36°) sun, ate food, and had a nice visit. It was great to see everyone, and I loved the attention and activity.
Before we all died from heatstroke, we all went our separate ways - I had dinner with my family, and opened some awesome presents - I got a robotic dog on a string, a book, a Che Guevara jumper, cards, and plenty of wrapping paper to tear up. With all the day's birthday-related excitement, I passed out for thenight in record time. what is a birthday, anyway?
Posted by Clover @ 1:07 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Clover Lórien and the Spiders from Crib
[As transcribed by Daddy]
I was up really early (with the sun!) again this morning. Once we were all up, breakfasted, lunched, and awake, we got in the car and ran a whole whack-load of errands. We dropped off my 'sample' at the lab, then drove all the way across the city to the party store to buy supplies for tomorrow's festivites, the bookstore to buy a book for Daddy and some refreshments on this hot, sweltery day, and then back across town again to the meat market. Entertained the family before bed with my 'let-Basil-kiss-me' act.
For the past few weeks, I've been trying to tell my parents that sometimes at night, I'm being eaten alive by spiders. Unfortunately, I don't speak English so well yet, so when I say "Um... so, like, this spider came into my crib and was eating my leg last night, you guys," it comes out as "A da da da da da!" and they think it means something else. Oh well... now they realize where these bumps on my body come from (thanks, Lucie).
Posted by Clover @ 1:43 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Mystery Ailment
[As transcribed by Daddy]
I haven't mentioned it here, but over the past week or so, a number of small, red, dome-shaped 'mystery-bumps' have been appearing on my limbs. I've got two on one arm, one on the other, and then one on each leg (give or take). They've been getting bigger and bigger, and they've kinda been worrying my parents. The weird thing is that they don't bother me in the slightest. I don't scratch 'em, I don't complain about them - heck, I don't really seem to notice them.
Mommy and Gamma took me to the Doctor (who loved my spit-fueled camel impression, by the way), since I'm almost a year old and due for a checkup anyhow. He didn't know what to make of my weird skin condition - but whatever the case, he didn't seem to think it was too worrysome if it wasn't bothering me, and I wasn't showing any other symptoms of rubella, lyme disease, roseola, chicken pox, fifth disease, or any other infant ailment. They're probably just bug bites... but Mommy has to somehow take a urine sample from me anyway.
So, the 'purification' of my bedroom has finally begun today.
Posted by Clover @ 1:39 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 14, 2006
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Let me set the scene:
At about 7:25 a.m. this morning, I was already up and about, ready to play and explore and destroy the apartment. Mommy was barely awake, having just woken up to get me out of my crib and feed me, and Daddy was still completely asleep (dreaming about being a member of this band), between alarm clock blasts #5 and #6 of the morning.
As usual, I started rummaging around the apartment as Mommy and Daddy dozed together on the futon-couch. I picked up Daddy's pair of glasses from the coffee table and started playing with them - you know, shaking them up and down, dropping them, trying to bend them. Mommy was lucid enough to ask me for them, and I held them out to her. She took them, and said "Thank-you."
There was a pause of about five to ten seconds, during which Mommy had started dozing again. In my smallest yet clearest voice, I happily repeated "Thank-You!"
Both Mommy and Daddy shot up out of bed, startled. "Holy S#!+! Did you hear what she just said?!" Mommy gasped, shaking Daddy awake. "I did!" He replied, equally surprised and bewildered.
I just carried on like nothing had happened.
Posted by Clover @ 12:57 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Sweaty Baby
[As transcribed by Daddy]
It was pouring with rain outside today, so Mommy and I were kinda cooped up all day. We did some book reading, some cheese-and-strawberry eating, some dancing, some crawling, some cupcake-ing, and not a whole heck of a lot of napping. The air conditioner wasn't on, so I was kinaa sweaty what with all the humidity.
I discovered cookbooks today - they're pretty cool! They've got really large photograpgs of num-nums in 'em. I wish I had known about them before - I had Mommy read one to me a lot today.
Since we had all this time on our hands, I learned about them (hands, that is). When asked, I can now point to my nose, my head, my eyes, my feet, and Mommy's nose. I'm that close to becoming a physician.
Posted by Clover @ 12:15 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Football Belly
[As transcribed by Daddy]
It was pretty funny - this morning Mommy was changing a rather rancid diaper of mine (to put it mildly) when Basil happened to mosey on past. As soon as he got close enough to stick his nose in the diaper and inhale deepy, the shock was quite evident on his face. He ran away as fast as possible, leaving Mommy and I in stitches!
This afternoon, Mommy and I went to a restaurant for lunch, and I was quite well behaved, despite trying to devour an entire loaf of fresh-baked bread. Later on, Gamma joined us on a scouting trip in Taylor Creek Park, looking for a decent site for my first birthday shindig, which is happening this Sunday (If anyone wants to attend, feel free to let us know, and we'll give you the wheres & whens).
When Daddy came home from work, he was equally shocked by the state of the apartment (which I trashed today) and the size and football-ish shape of my gut.
Posted by Clover @ 12:18 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Mommy and I had a really lazy day today. I woke up early, but we didn't have much energy between us - Daddy thinks it's because Mommy is losing weight, and objects of lesser mass have lesser potential atomic energy. We can tell he's been trying to understand his science books again.
Mommy gave me a whole apple, and I ate it. Not slices of an apple or pieces of an apple - the whole darned thing. With my two little teeth, I scraped and gnawed at that thing for hours. It was pretty bruised from being continually dropped on the floor, but it was a nice time-passer.
After I did some dancing for Anisa and Gamma and Grandpa, I went to bed. Then Mommy and Daddy actually went out to their first movie in ages while Gamma 'watched the egg.'
Posted by Clover @ 1:55 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 10, 2006
The Other Virginia
[As transcribed by Daddy]
This Morning, Mommy wanted to finally finish putting together the bathroom, so Daddy and I went off and had some adventures for a few hours before lunch. Sure, most of those adventures consisted of Daddy falling asleep on couches and me playing upstairs with Gamma and Grandpa... ...but still, I had fun.
I had a quick nap, and was awoken by the sound of my lunch being readied (a fine way to greet the afternoon, I must say). After some tidying up, Mommy and Daddy and I headed off on a nice Sunday drive (away from the World Cup revellers and racecars). We drove as far as Virginia (not not the Virginia that Aunt Trina and Cousin Zoe live in).
Daddy had to go to the office again after dinner, so I tried to get him to read my books to me as much as possible before he bailed on putting me to bed.
Posted by Clover @ 12:38 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Working on the Weekend
[As transcribed by Daddy]
I fought off sleep practically all day. It seemed like I was rubbing my eyes from the moment I woke up to the moment I went to bed... maybe it was the humidity. After breakfast and a quick, interrupted nap, Mommy and Daddy drove with me to the Distillery District, where Mommy and I met up with Danielle at a nice cafe. I got to have some lemonade - it was great!
Then Mommy and Danielle and I walked to Daddy's office, where Daddy was getting some extra work done, even though it was the weekend. I did my camel impression for his friend Lisa. I'm adorable.
We sayd bye-bye to Danielle, and my folks and I went to the mall for a quick food and book stop-off. Then it was home again - Daddy went with Grandpa to buy some gravel, and then it was dinner time. I got spaghetti sauce all over my face!
While playing with Daddy tonight, he made a pretend-crying face. It was so convincing, I started crying. Daddy's very good at conveying pathos.
Posted by Clover @ 12:42 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 08, 2006
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Quiet, lazy morning - didnt get dressed until after my nap. I was a bit moody-ish, and as usual, I wanted books read to me all day long.
Mommy and I took the bus and subway to the park, where we met up with our post-natal group friends... I watched little Stella scurrying around, and pretty much decided that maybe walking might be a pretty cool thing to do! I met lots of puppies (who seemed to really love me), played in the sand, on the swings, and on the slide, which I really liked. I kept crawling off, to either go play with the puppies or just, you know, for the heck of it. Oh, and I grazed like a cow.
We did some grocery shopping afterwards, and after Daddy came home (late, due to work), we played a lot - he and Mommy really had me laughing my little head off. It was so much fun! I practised my walking, which is still just a few steps here and there, but I'm getting closer.
Posted by Clover @ 12:14 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 07, 2006
Hark! I Like Park Bark
[As transcribed by Daddy]
I was in a relatively good mood today, and even managed to have a nice, three-hour nap. Things were going so nicely (I even learned how to make 'pig' noises), that Mommy and I decided to take a walk down to the park once I woke up.
She put me on the swings, and I had a blast. I was gleeful and laughing and jusy enjoing life - you know, swingin' back and forth. It was pretty awesome, especially with all the other kids in the swings around me. Soon afterwards, I saw some mulchy bark on the ground, and I tried to eat it. When Mommy wouldn't let me and put me in my stroller - I lost it and threw an epic tantrum all the way home.
She was able to calm me down a bit with some cheese and a banana. But when the cheese didn't keep a-comin', I got really short with her again.
I didn't see Daddy this evening - he was late at a party in Newmarket for his creative department. I'll give him a piece of my mind re: the cheese and bark thing tomorrow. If I remember.
Posted by Clover @ 12:06 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 06, 2006
[As transcribed by Daddy]
Books, books, books. All I ever want nowadays is to have books read to me. Quickly, loudly, well-enunciated, and funny. Oh, and talking to Daddy over the phone. All I ever want nowadays is to talk to Daddy on the phone. Today I grabbed the TV remote (thinking it was the phone) and tried to talk to Daddy through it. When it didn't work, I threw it at Mommy's head so that she could make it work.
I was pretty crabby this afternoon... until I modified my weird 'footsy ritual.' When someone curls their tongue at me, I now raise my leg with my hand and try to place my toes in their mouth. It only works when someone curls their tongue, though.
I got to stay up a bit late tonight to meet Naisa's parents, who stopped through on their way to another country. At first I was kinda weirded out by them, but then I learned to play with their luggage, and I decided they were cool.
Posted by Clover @ 12:17 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Telephone Conversation
[As transcribed by Daddy]
I was crabby and hungry all day long again. Does this mean I'm undergoing yet another growth spurt? It's possible, I suppose.
Today I went with Mommy and Gamma to the chiropractor, where I climed on some chairs. Then, it was off to the supermarket for a few groceries. In the afternoon, Mommy took Basil to the vet to get that missing face-chunk looked at, and in the meantime, I stayed with Gamma and talked about Daddy. In fact, Gamma called him up at work, and we had something resembling a conversation over the phone. He'd say animal names, and I'd make the corresponding sounds (bear, camel, monkey, etc). So I'm definately getting the hang of this telephone thing.
Last night Mommy and Daddy bought me more books, so I had my folks read them to me again and again and again, all while I practised going up-and-down the stairs, climbed in-and-out of Basil's chair, and played that weird little footsy-game that I invented.
Posted by Clover @ 12:37 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Eating Birthday Cards and Berries
[As transcribed by Daddy]
This morning, while frolicking on the lawn, I stood up - all by mself - squatted down to pick up a leaf - and then stood up again! Everyone was there to see it... pretty amazing stuff.
Mommy and Daddy and I took along afternoon drive today, this being the last of a four-day weekend for us. We drove all the way out to Scugog, and on the way we went Berry Picking, where we got to play in a little farm (with a sandbox and toys and stuff). On the rest of the drive, we ate a lot of berries, and I was so hungry (and bored) that I ate the first Birthday card I've ever received (from the Nixons).
I received a nice letter in the mail fron Naisa - I've got to make sure I write her a reply. In the meantime, I had Daddy read my favourite book to me over and over and over again before bed. He usually gets about halfway before I bring him another one to read... I generally only seem to enjoy the first half of my books.
Posted by Clover @ 1:01 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 03, 2006
Uphill Both Ways
[As Transcribed by Daddy]
Today we all loaded up into the car, picked up Cool Uncle Gareth, and went for a picnic in the woods. We had a nice lunch, and then Basil had to go and run into a rusty barbed-wire fence and lose a bloody chunk of his face. Hope he'll be alright - he certainly doesn't seem to mind much. We all went for a nice hike - it was really hot and (seemingly) uphill both ways. We were all really wiped out after less than only two hours.
We all headed home, medicated Basil's injuries, Gareth helped Mommy make dinner, and I pooped all over Daddy (don't ask, we're all trying desperately to forget).
After I went to bed, Daddy immediately crashed, and fell asleep for almost four hours!
Posted by Clover @ 1:29 AM 1 comments
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Canada Day
[As transcribed by Daddy]
After watching the soccer game with Daddy as we tidied up the apartment, we all had lunch and then went our separate ways - Mommy resumed work re-building the bathroom, and Daddy and I went on a really long afternoon walk with Grandpa. It sure was hot out there! When we got back we were both pretty beat, and Mommy was in a terrible mood due to an unsuccesful attempt at finishing the un-cooperative bathroom.
So, to escape Mommy's ire, Daddy and I ran off again, this time with Gamma. We went to the mall, but it was closed due to the holiday - my very first Canada Day! The three of us visited the bookstore, and when we came home again, Mommy was in a better mood. We had a slightly early dinner, and then went out for coffee - and got caught in a torrential downpour!
I managed to completely sleep through the intense cacophany of the nearby fireworks display tonight, which is crazy, considering that the slighest creak of the nearest door is sure to wake me up.
Posted by Clover @ 12:26 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 01, 2006
The Benevolent Dictator of H&M
[As transcribed by Daddy]
After my nap today, Mommy and Daddy (who had the day off from work) and I headed off to run a bunch of errands. First Daddy mailed some CDs to Naisa, then we went to the mall to buy birthday presents for Gamma. After searching in every store imaginable, we couldn't find anything - keeping in mind that my parents forgot to bring the stroller and had to carry me in their arms, the poor lazy slobs. Daddy has declared that I'm the Guiness-Record-holding "World's Heaviest Baby." Whatever. While we were in H&M, I sat on his shoulders and yelled "BAW BAW BAW BLAH!," thus declaring my lordship over all shoppers in attendance.
Eventually, we found presents for Gamma at Eddie Bauer, did some grocery shopping, and came home. Mommy sure was glad to be back - she didn't like the mall today, and got to practice her new icing skills on a birthday cake for Gamma. Cool Uncle Gareth and Julia came over, and we all had a party. I didn't get to eat any of the BBQ lobster, though... but Daddy did, since his diet is going so well (he's lost 18 pounds!).